\usepackage{epic, eepic}

% Only needed for demonstration.



% When the paper has been written, the number of pages needs to be 
% provided, instead of 11.  (It should be possible to solve this 
% properly with lastpage.)


%%%\newcommand{\solflag}{1} %%% remove %%% from start of line to make answers

% ---------------------------------------------------
%%% Preamble information.

\class{CSxyz\quad Anti-Engineeering Methods}

\examdate{19th April 2021}{09:30\,-\,12:30}{3 hours}


\preamble{Attempt THREE questions.}

% ---------------------------------------------------
%%% Set the line spacing.

% Some students require linespacing of 1.5 or 2.0.  By default,
% the setstretch can be 1.0.


\sig{Prof. E.~X.~A.~M. Setter}
