# Latex Transcripts A project to generate PDF files from input caption files. # Dependencies The project uses `pdflatex`, Python 3 and the `webvtt-py` Python 3 module. To install the `webvtt-py` module `pip` or `pip3` should be used, repending on the Python 3 installation. # Usage 1. Put the `.srt` and `.vtt` files to be converted into a directory. This could be the `data/` directory or another directory. 2. Start from the example `data/captions.csv` file and add rows for each `.srt` or `.vtt` file. 3. Save the updated `captions.csv` file in the same directory as the `.srt` and `.vtt` files. 4. Use python3 to run the file `python/transcripts.py`. 5. Use the file dialogue window and select the updated `captions.csv` file. The program will then convert each `.srt` or `.vtt` file to a PDF file. The `pdflatex` command takes a few seconds to run. Therefore, it may take a few minutes to process several caption files.