From 0abd9eeb4e26ef38cd684b1e6b64c27bee56c59f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Callum Inglis <>
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2021 22:44:28 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Begin Creating Ack for messages Received

 ESP8266_Transmitter/ESP8266_Transmitter.ino   |  58 +-
 RaspberryPi_Receiver/           | 125 ++-
 RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/           | 951 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../SX127x/              |  76 ++
 RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/       |   1 +
 RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/   | 134 +++
 RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/      | 190 ++++
 RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/         |  77 ++
 8 files changed, 1571 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/
 create mode 100644 RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/
 create mode 100644 RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/
 create mode 100644 RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/
 create mode 100644 RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/
 create mode 100644 RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/

diff --git a/ESP8266_Transmitter/ESP8266_Transmitter.ino b/ESP8266_Transmitter/ESP8266_Transmitter.ino
index e3816a9..b3fa9a4 100644
--- a/ESP8266_Transmitter/ESP8266_Transmitter.ino
+++ b/ESP8266_Transmitter/ESP8266_Transmitter.ino
@@ -54,9 +54,10 @@ SHTSensor sht;
 SoftwareSerial pmsSerial(2, 3);
 // LoRa Message Tracking
+String sensorID = "";
 byte localAddress = 0xBB;
 byte destination = 0xFF;
-byte msgCount = 0;
+uint32_t msgCount = 0;
 // Sensor Values - Temp / Humidity
 double temperature;
@@ -147,13 +148,18 @@ bool setupLoRa() {
  * Return ESP Module ID, based on MAC address
  * Source:
+ * 
+ * 2021-11-07 - This method proved unreliable, switched to casting ESP.getChipID() as a string instead
-char* getSensorUID() {
-  uint64_t chipid = ESP.getChipId();
-  uint16_t chip = (uint16_t)(chipid >> 32);
-  char sensorID[50];
-  snprintf(sensorID, 50, "EMIEI-%04X%08X", chip, (uint32_t)chipid);
+String getSensorUID() {
+//  uint64_t chipid = ESP.getChipId();
+//  uint16_t chip = (uint16_t)(chipid >> 32);
+//  char sensorID[23];
+//  snprintf(sensorID, 23, "EMIEI-%04X%08X", chip, (uint32_t)chipid);
+  String sensorID = "EMIEI-";
+  sensorID.concat(String(ESP.getChipId()));
   return sensorID;
@@ -233,6 +239,8 @@ void setup() {
   Serial.begin(115200); // Console Debug
   Serial.println("[+] Transmitter Node");
+  sensorID = getSensorUID();
   pmsSerial.begin(9600); // Partical Sensor
   // Setup Sensors
@@ -281,12 +289,15 @@ void loop() {
       Serial.print("Avg Temperature: "); Serial.println(avgTemperature);
       Serial.print("Avg Humidity: "); Serial.println(avgHumidity);
+      Serial.print("Chip ID: "); Serial.println(sensorID);
       // LORA SEND
-      DynamicJsonDocument doc(1024);
+      DynamicJsonDocument doc(2048);
       JsonObject metadata = doc.createNestedObject("sensorMetadata");
-      metadata["uid"] = getSensorUID();
+      metadata["uid"] = sensorID;
+      metadata["messageID"] = msgCount;
       metadata["samplePeriod"] = sendAfterPolls; // TODO: Multiply by poll duration!
       JsonObject data = doc.createNestedObject("data");
@@ -309,6 +320,32 @@ void loop() {
         Serial.println("[-] Failed to send packet\n");
+      // TODO Wait for reply
+      int i = 3000;
+      int j = 0;
+      String incoming = "";
+      while (j < i) {
+        int packetSize = LoRa.parsePacket();
+        if (packetSize) {
+          while (LoRa.available()) {
+            incoming.concat((char);
+          }
+          // TODO Parse response to JSON, check if matches device & message ID
+          Serial.print("Inbound!: \n");
+          Serial.print(incoming);
+          break;
+        }
+        j+=10;
+        delay(10);
+        // TODO If no response then consider not delivered
+      }
+      Serial.print("\n");
       // Reset Loop Values
       ppm10 = 0;
       ppm25 = 0;
@@ -319,8 +356,9 @@ void loop() {
       pollEventCount = 0;
+    msgCount++;
-  msgCount++;
diff --git a/RaspberryPi_Receiver/ b/RaspberryPi_Receiver/
index ae5b4bb..673dbef 100644
--- a/RaspberryPi_Receiver/
+++ b/RaspberryPi_Receiver/
@@ -38,10 +38,12 @@ sys.path.insert(0, '../')
 from time import sleep, time
 import json
 import requests # pip3 install requests
+import random
 from SX127x.LoRa import *
 from SX127x.LoRaArgumentParser import LoRaArgumentParser
 from SX127x.board_config import BOARD
+import SX127x.packer as packer
 DEBUG = 1
 API_URL = ""
@@ -67,8 +69,9 @@ class SensorResponse(object):
 class SensorMetadata(object):
-    def __init__(self, uid, samplePeriod):
+    def __init__(self, uid, messageID, samplePeriod):
         self.uid = uid
+        self.messageID = messageID
         self.samplePeriod = samplePeriod
         self.sampleTime = round(time())
@@ -93,10 +96,25 @@ class Co2(object):
     def __init__(self, tmp):
         self.tmp = "Coming Soon!"
-class LoRaRcvCont(LoRa):
+class Reply():
+    ackStatus = False
+    def __init__(self, remoteSensorID, replyMsgID):
+        self.messageID = random.randrange(10000, 99999)  
+        self.gatewayUid = getserial()
+        self.remoteSensorID = remoteSensorID
+        self.replyMsgID = replyMsgID
+    def setAckStatus(self, ackStatus):
+        self.ackStatus = ackStatus
+    def ToJson(self):
+        return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
+class LoRaReceiver(LoRa):
     def __init__(self, verbose=False):
-        super(LoRaRcvCont, self).__init__(verbose)
+        super(LoRaReceiver, self).__init__(verbose)
+        self._id = "Base-01"
         self.set_dio_mapping([0] * 6)
@@ -111,14 +129,17 @@ class LoRaRcvCont(LoRa):
         data = ''.join([chr(c) for c in payload])
-        #print(bytes(payload).decode())
-        self.set_mode(MODE.SLEEP)
     def on_tx_done(self):
-        print(self.get_irq_flags())
+        # set RX
+        self.set_dio_mapping([0,0,0,0,0,0])    # RX
+        sleep(1)
+        self.reset_ptr_rx()
+        self.set_mode(MODE.RXCONT)
+        self.clear_irq_flags(RxDone=1)
     def on_cad_done(self):
@@ -140,29 +161,54 @@ class LoRaRcvCont(LoRa):
-    def start(self):
+    def receive(self):
         while True:
-            sleep(.5)
-            rssi_value = self.get_rssi_value()
-            status = self.get_modem_status()
-            if DEBUG > 1:
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-                sys.stdout.write("\r%d %d %d" % (rssi_value, status['rx_ongoing'], status['modem_clear']))
+            if (self.get_mode() == MODE.TX):
+                rssi_value = self.get_rssi_value()
+                status = self.get_modem_status()
+                if DEBUG > 1:
+                    sys.stdout.flush()
+                    sys.stdout.write("\r%d %d %d" % (rssi_value, status['rx_ongoing'], status['modem_clear']))
+    def transmit(self, _payload):
+        global args
+        self.tx_counter = 0
+        self.write_payload(_payload)
+        self.set_mode(MODE.TX)
+# Source:
+def getserial():
+  # Extract serial from cpuinfo file
+  cpuserial = "0000000000000000"
+  try:
+    f = open('/proc/cpuinfo','r')
+    for line in f:
+      if line[0:6]=='Serial':
+        cpuserial = line[10:26]
+    f.close()
+  except:
+    cpuserial = "ERROR000000000"
+  return cpuserial
 # Parse LoRa response, validate, save / transmit
 def handleData(data):
         parsed = json.loads(data)
         p = SensorResponse(**parsed)
     except Exception as e:
         print("[-] Unable to Parse response, ignoring") # TODO Error handling, log increased error rates etc
         if DEBUG > 1:
             print("\tE: %e" % e)
+    # TODO Transmit ACK
+    ackMsg(p)
     # TODO Validate response is valid and non-corrupt
     # Process response
@@ -176,32 +222,49 @@ def handleData(data):
-lora = LoRaRcvCont(verbose=False)
-args = parser.parse_args(lora)
+# Upon succesfully receiving a message, send back an ack
+def ackMsg(sensorResponse):
+    data = Reply(sensorResponse.sensorMetadata.uid, sensorResponse.sensorMetadata.messageID)
+    data.setAckStatus(True)
+    print(data.ToJson())
+    _length, _payload = packer.Pack_Str( data.ToJson() )
-#lora.set_pa_config(max_power=0, output_power=0)
+    payload = [int(hex(c), 0) for c in _payload]
+    loraReceiver.transmit(payload)
+    return
+# Setup Receiver
+loraReceiver = LoRaReceiver(verbose=False)
+args = parser.parse_args(loraReceiver)
+#loraReceiver.set_pa_config(max_power=0, output_power=0)
+# Go Go Go!
 print("[+] Receiver & API Gateway")
-assert(lora.get_agc_auto_on() == 1)
+assert(loraReceiver.get_agc_auto_on() == 1)
-    lora.start()
+    loraReceiver.receive()
 except KeyboardInterrupt:
-    lora.set_mode(MODE.SLEEP)
-    print(lora)
+    loraReceiver.set_mode(MODE.SLEEP)
diff --git a/RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/ b/RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bd0de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/
@@ -0,0 +1,951 @@
+""" Defines the SX127x class and a few utility functions. """
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015-2018 Mayer Analytics Ltd.
+# This file is part of pySX127x.
+# pySX127x is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# pySX127x is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You can be released from the requirements of the license by obtaining a commercial license. Such a license is
+# mandatory as soon as you develop commercial activities involving pySX127x without disclosing the source code of your
+# own applications, or shipping pySX127x with a closed source product.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pySX127.  If not, see
+# <>.
+import sys
+from .constants import *
+from .board_config import BOARD
+################################################## Some utility functions ##############################################
+def set_bit(value, index, new_bit):
+    """ Set the index'th bit of value to new_bit, and return the new value.
+    :param value:   The integer to set the new_bit in
+    :type value:    int
+    :param index: 0-based index
+    :param new_bit: New value the bit shall have (0 or 1)
+    :return:    Changed value
+    :rtype: int
+    """
+    mask = 1 << index
+    value &= ~mask
+    if new_bit:
+        value |= mask
+    return value
+def getter(register_address):
+    """ The getter decorator reads the register content and calls the decorated function to do
+        post-processing.
+    :param register_address: Register address
+    :return: Register value
+    :rtype: int
+    """
+    def decorator(func):
+        def wrapper(self):
+            return func(self, self.spi.xfer([register_address, 0])[1])
+        return wrapper
+    return decorator
+def setter(register_address):
+    """ The setter decorator calls the decorated function for pre-processing and
+        then writes the result to the register
+    :param register_address: Register address
+    :return: New register value
+    :rtype: int
+    """
+    def decorator(func):
+        def wrapper(self, val):
+            return self.spi.xfer([register_address | 0x80, func(self, val)])[1]
+        return wrapper
+    return decorator
+############################################### Definition of the LoRa class ###########################################
+class LoRa(object):
+    spi = BOARD.SpiDev()              # init and get the baord's SPI
+    mode = None                       # the mode is backed up here
+    backup_registers = []
+    verbose = True
+    dio_mapping = [None] * 6          # store the dio mapping here
+    def __init__(self, verbose=True, do_calibration=True, calibration_freq=868):
+        """ Init the object
+        Send the device to sleep, read all registers, and do the calibration (if do_calibration=True)
+        :param verbose: Set the verbosity True/False
+        :param calibration_freq: call rx_chain_calibration with this parameter. Default is 868
+        :param do_calibration: Call rx_chain_calibration, default is True.
+        """
+        self.verbose = verbose
+        # set the callbacks for DIO0..5 IRQs.
+        BOARD.add_events(self._dio0, self._dio1, self._dio2, self._dio3, self._dio4, self._dio5)
+        # set mode to sleep and read all registers
+        self.set_mode(MODE.SLEEP)
+        self.backup_registers = self.get_all_registers()
+        # more setup work:
+        if do_calibration:
+            self.rx_chain_calibration(calibration_freq)
+        # the FSK registers are set up exactly as modtronix do it:
+        lookup_fsk = [
+            #[REG.FSK.LNA            , 0x23],
+            #[REG.FSK.RX_CONFIG      , 0x1E],
+            #[REG.FSK.RSSI_CONFIG    , 0xD2],
+            #[REG.FSK.PREAMBLE_DETECT, 0xAA],
+            #[REG.FSK.OSC            , 0x07],
+            #[REG.FSK.SYNC_CONFIG    , 0x12],
+            #[REG.FSK.SYNC_VALUE_1   , 0xC1],
+            #[REG.FSK.SYNC_VALUE_2   , 0x94],
+            #[REG.FSK.SYNC_VALUE_3   , 0xC1],
+            #[REG.FSK.PACKET_CONFIG_1, 0xD8],
+            #[REG.FSK.FIFO_THRESH    , 0x8F],
+            #[REG.FSK.IMAGE_CAL      , 0x02],
+            #[REG.FSK.DIO_MAPPING_1  , 0x00],
+            #[REG.FSK.DIO_MAPPING_2  , 0x30]
+        ]
+        self.set_mode(MODE.FSK_STDBY)
+        for register_address, value in lookup_fsk:
+            self.set_register(register_address, value)
+        self.set_mode(MODE.SLEEP)
+        # set the dio_ mapping by calling the two get_dio_mapping_* functions
+        self.get_dio_mapping_1()
+        self.get_dio_mapping_2()
+    # Overridable functions:
+    def on_rx_done(self):
+        pass
+    def on_tx_done(self):
+        pass
+    def on_cad_done(self):
+        pass
+    def on_rx_timeout(self):
+        pass
+    def on_valid_header(self):
+        pass
+    def on_payload_crc_error(self):
+        pass
+    def on_fhss_change_channel(self):
+        pass
+    # Internal callbacks for add_events()
+    def _dio0(self, channel):
+        # DIO0 00: RxDone
+        # DIO0 01: TxDone
+        # DIO0 10: CadDone
+        if self.dio_mapping[0] == 0:
+            self.on_rx_done()
+        elif self.dio_mapping[0] == 1:
+            self.on_tx_done()
+        elif self.dio_mapping[0] == 2:
+            self.on_cad_done()
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError("unknown dio0mapping!")
+    def _dio1(self, channel):
+        # DIO1 00: RxTimeout
+        # DIO1 01: FhssChangeChannel
+        # DIO1 10: CadDetected
+        if self.dio_mapping[1] == 0:
+            self.on_rx_timeout()
+        elif self.dio_mapping[1] == 1:
+            self.on_fhss_change_channel()
+        elif self.dio_mapping[1] == 2:
+            self.on_CadDetected()
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError("unknown dio1mapping!")
+    def _dio2(self, channel):
+        # DIO2 00: FhssChangeChannel
+        # DIO2 01: FhssChangeChannel
+        # DIO2 10: FhssChangeChannel
+        self.on_fhss_change_channel()
+    def _dio3(self, channel):
+        # DIO3 00: CadDone
+        # DIO3 01: ValidHeader
+        # DIO3 10: PayloadCrcError
+        if self.dio_mapping[3] == 0:
+            self.on_cad_done()
+        elif self.dio_mapping[3] == 1:
+            self.on_valid_header()
+        elif self.dio_mapping[3] == 2:
+            self.on_payload_crc_error()
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError("unknown dio3 mapping!")
+    def _dio4(self, channel):
+        raise RuntimeError("DIO4 is not used")
+    def _dio5(self, channel):
+        raise RuntimeError("DIO5 is not used")
+    # All the set/get/read/write functions
+    def get_mode(self):
+        """ Get the mode
+        :return:    New mode
+        """
+        self.mode = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.OP_MODE, 0])[1]
+        return self.mode
+    def set_mode(self, mode):
+        """ Set the mode
+        :param mode: Set the mode. Use constants.MODE class
+        :return:    New mode
+        """
+        # the mode is backed up in self.mode
+        if mode == self.mode:
+            return mode
+        if self.verbose:
+            sys.stderr.write("Mode <- %s\n" % MODE.lookup[mode])
+        self.mode = mode
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.OP_MODE | 0x80, mode])[1]
+    def write_payload(self, payload):
+        """ Get FIFO ready for TX: Set FifoAddrPtr to FifoTxBaseAddr. The transceiver is put into STDBY mode.
+        :param payload: Payload to write (list)
+        :return:    Written payload
+        """
+        payload_size = len(payload)
+        self.set_payload_length(payload_size)
+        self.set_mode(MODE.STDBY)
+        base_addr = self.get_fifo_tx_base_addr()
+        self.set_fifo_addr_ptr(base_addr)
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.FIFO | 0x80] + payload)[1:]
+    def reset_ptr_rx(self):
+        """ Get FIFO ready for RX: Set FifoAddrPtr to FifoRxBaseAddr. The transceiver is put into STDBY mode. """
+        self.set_mode(MODE.STDBY)
+        base_addr = self.get_fifo_rx_base_addr()
+        self.set_fifo_addr_ptr(base_addr)
+    def rx_is_good(self):
+        """ Check the IRQ flags for RX errors
+        :return: True if no errors
+        :rtype: bool
+        """
+        flags = self.get_irq_flags()
+        return not any([flags[s] for s in ['valid_header', 'crc_error', 'rx_done', 'rx_timeout']])
+    def read_payload(self , nocheck = False):
+        """ Read the payload from FIFO
+        :param nocheck: If True then check rx_is_good()
+        :return: Payload
+        :rtype: list[int]
+        """
+        if not nocheck and not self.rx_is_good():
+            return None
+        rx_nb_bytes = self.get_rx_nb_bytes()
+        fifo_rx_current_addr = self.get_fifo_rx_current_addr()
+        self.set_fifo_addr_ptr(fifo_rx_current_addr)
+        payload = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.FIFO] + [0] * rx_nb_bytes)[1:]
+        return payload
+    def get_freq(self):
+        """ Get the frequency (MHz)
+        :return:    Frequency in MHz
+        :rtype:     float
+        """
+        msb, mid, lsb = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.FR_MSB, 0, 0, 0])[1:]
+        f = lsb + 256*(mid + 256*msb)
+        return f / 16384.
+    def set_freq(self, f):
+        """ Set the frequency (MHz)
+        :param f: Frequency in MHz
+        "type f: float
+        :return: New register settings (3 bytes [msb, mid, lsb])
+        :rtype: list[int]
+        """
+        assert self.mode == MODE.SLEEP or self.mode == MODE.STDBY or self.mode == MODE.FSK_STDBY
+        i = int(f * 16384.)    # choose floor
+        msb = i // 65536
+        i -= msb * 65536
+        mid = i // 256
+        i -= mid * 256
+        lsb = i
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.FR_MSB | 0x80, msb, mid, lsb])
+    def get_pa_config(self, convert_dBm=False):
+        v = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.PA_CONFIG, 0])[1]
+        pa_select    = v >> 7
+        max_power    = v >> 4 & 0b111
+        output_power = v & 0b1111
+        if convert_dBm:
+            max_power = max_power * .6 + 10.8
+            output_power = max_power - (15 - output_power)
+        return dict(
+                pa_select    = pa_select,
+                max_power    = max_power,
+                output_power = output_power
+            )
+    def set_pa_config(self, pa_select=None, max_power=None, output_power=None):
+        """ Configure the PA
+        :param pa_select: Selects PA output pin, 0->RFO, 1->PA_BOOST
+        :param max_power: Select max output power Pmax=10.8+0.6*MaxPower
+        :param output_power: Output power Pout=Pmax-(15-OutputPower) if PaSelect = 0,
+                Pout=17-(15-OutputPower) if PaSelect = 1 (PA_BOOST pin)
+        :return: new register value
+        """
+        loc = locals()
+        current = self.get_pa_config()
+        loc = {s: current[s] if loc[s] is None else loc[s] for s in loc}
+        val = (loc['pa_select'] << 7) | (loc['max_power'] << 4) | (loc['output_power'])
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.PA_CONFIG | 0x80, val])[1]
+    @getter(REG.LORA.PA_RAMP)
+    def get_pa_ramp(self, val):
+        return val & 0b1111
+    @setter(REG.LORA.PA_RAMP)
+    def set_pa_ramp(self, val):
+        return val & 0b1111
+    def get_ocp(self, convert_mA=False):
+        v = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.OCP, 0])[1]
+        ocp_on = v >> 5 & 0x01
+        ocp_trim = v & 0b11111
+        if convert_mA:
+            if ocp_trim <= 15:
+                ocp_trim = 45. + 5. * ocp_trim
+            elif ocp_trim <= 27:
+                ocp_trim = -30. + 10. * ocp_trim
+            else:
+                assert ocp_trim <= 27
+        return dict(
+                ocp_on   = ocp_on,
+                ocp_trim = ocp_trim
+                )
+    def set_ocp_trim(self, I_mA):
+        assert(I_mA >= 45 and I_mA <= 240)
+        ocp_on = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.OCP, 0])[1] >> 5 & 0x01
+        if I_mA <= 120:
+            v = int(round((I_mA-45.)/5.))
+        else:
+            v = int(round((I_mA+30.)/10.))
+        v = set_bit(v, 5, ocp_on)
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.OCP | 0x80, v])[1]
+    def get_lna(self):
+        v = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.LNA, 0])[1]
+        return dict(
+                lna_gain     = v >> 5,
+                lna_boost_lf = v >> 3 & 0b11,
+                lna_boost_hf = v & 0b11
+            )
+    def set_lna(self, lna_gain=None, lna_boost_lf=None, lna_boost_hf=None):
+        assert lna_boost_hf is None or lna_boost_hf == 0b00 or lna_boost_hf == 0b11
+        self.set_mode(MODE.STDBY)
+        if lna_gain is not None:
+            # Apparently agc_auto_on must be 0 in order to set lna_gain
+            self.set_agc_auto_on(lna_gain == GAIN.NOT_USED)
+        loc = locals()
+        current = self.get_lna()
+        loc = {s: current[s] if loc[s] is None else loc[s] for s in loc}
+        val = (loc['lna_gain'] << 5) | (loc['lna_boost_lf'] << 3) | (loc['lna_boost_hf'])
+        retval = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.LNA | 0x80, val])[1]
+        if lna_gain is not None:
+            # agc_auto_on must track lna_gain: GAIN=NOT_USED -> agc_auto=ON, otherwise =OFF
+            self.set_agc_auto_on(lna_gain == GAIN.NOT_USED)
+        return retval
+    def set_lna_gain(self, lna_gain):
+        self.set_lna(lna_gain=lna_gain)
+    def get_fifo_addr_ptr(self):
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.FIFO_ADDR_PTR, 0])[1]
+    def set_fifo_addr_ptr(self, ptr):
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.FIFO_ADDR_PTR | 0x80, ptr])[1]
+    def get_fifo_tx_base_addr(self):
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.FIFO_TX_BASE_ADDR, 0])[1]
+    def set_fifo_tx_base_addr(self, ptr):
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.FIFO_TX_BASE_ADDR | 0x80, ptr])[1]
+    def get_fifo_rx_base_addr(self):
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.FIFO_RX_BASE_ADDR, 0])[1]
+    def set_fifo_rx_base_addr(self, ptr):
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.FIFO_RX_BASE_ADDR | 0x80, ptr])[1]
+    def get_fifo_rx_current_addr(self):
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.FIFO_RX_CURR_ADDR, 0])[1]
+    def get_fifo_rx_byte_addr(self):
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.FIFO_RX_BYTE_ADDR, 0])[1]
+    def get_irq_flags_mask(self):
+        v = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.IRQ_FLAGS_MASK, 0])[1]
+        return dict(
+                rx_timeout     = v >> 7 & 0x01,
+                rx_done        = v >> 6 & 0x01,
+                crc_error      = v >> 5 & 0x01,
+                valid_header   = v >> 4 & 0x01,
+                tx_done        = v >> 3 & 0x01,
+                cad_done       = v >> 2 & 0x01,
+                fhss_change_ch = v >> 1 & 0x01,
+                cad_detected   = v >> 0 & 0x01,
+            )
+    def set_irq_flags_mask(self,
+                           rx_timeout=None, rx_done=None, crc_error=None, valid_header=None, tx_done=None,
+                           cad_done=None, fhss_change_ch=None, cad_detected=None):
+        loc = locals()
+        v = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.IRQ_FLAGS_MASK, 0])[1]
+        for i, s in enumerate(['cad_detected', 'fhss_change_ch', 'cad_done', 'tx_done', 'valid_header',
+                               'crc_error', 'rx_done', 'rx_timeout']):
+            this_bit = locals()[s]
+            if this_bit is not None:
+                v = set_bit(v, i, this_bit)
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.IRQ_FLAGS_MASK | 0x80, v])[1]
+    def get_irq_flags(self):
+        v = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.IRQ_FLAGS, 0])[1]
+        return dict(
+                rx_timeout     = v >> 7 & 0x01,
+                rx_done        = v >> 6 & 0x01,
+                crc_error      = v >> 5 & 0x01,
+                valid_header   = v >> 4 & 0x01,
+                tx_done        = v >> 3 & 0x01,
+                cad_done       = v >> 2 & 0x01,
+                fhss_change_ch = v >> 1 & 0x01,
+                cad_detected   = v >> 0 & 0x01,
+            )
+    def set_irq_flags(self,
+                      rx_timeout=None, rx_done=None, crc_error=None, valid_header=None, tx_done=None,
+                      cad_done=None, fhss_change_ch=None, cad_detected=None):
+        v = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.IRQ_FLAGS, 0])[1]
+        for i, s in enumerate(['cad_detected', 'fhss_change_ch', 'cad_done', 'tx_done', 'valid_header',
+                               'crc_error', 'rx_done', 'rx_timeout']):
+            this_bit = locals()[s]
+            if this_bit is not None:
+                v = set_bit(v, i, this_bit)
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.IRQ_FLAGS | 0x80, v])[1]
+    def clear_irq_flags(self,
+                        RxTimeout=None, RxDone=None, PayloadCrcError=None, 
+                        ValidHeader=None, TxDone=None, CadDone=None, 
+                        FhssChangeChannel=None, CadDetected=None):
+        v = 0
+        for i, s in enumerate(['CadDetected', 'FhssChangeChannel', 'CadDone', 
+                                'TxDone', 'ValidHeader', 'PayloadCrcError', 
+                                'RxDone', 'RxTimeout']):
+            this_bit = locals()[s]
+            if this_bit is not None:
+                v = set_bit(v, eval('MASK.IRQ_FLAGS.' + s), this_bit)
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.IRQ_FLAGS | 0x80, v])[1]
+    def get_rx_nb_bytes(self):
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.RX_NB_BYTES, 0])[1]
+    def get_rx_header_cnt(self):
+        msb, lsb = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.RX_HEADER_CNT_MSB, 0, 0])[1:]
+        return lsb + 256 * msb
+    def get_rx_packet_cnt(self):
+        msb, lsb = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.RX_PACKET_CNT_MSB, 0, 0])[1:]
+        return lsb + 256 * msb
+    def get_modem_status(self):
+        status = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.MODEM_STAT, 0])[1]
+        return dict(
+                rx_coding_rate    = status >> 5 & 0x03,
+                modem_clear       = status >> 4 & 0x01,
+                header_info_valid = status >> 3 & 0x01,
+                rx_ongoing        = status >> 2 & 0x01,
+                signal_sync       = status >> 1 & 0x01,
+                signal_detected   = status >> 0 & 0x01
+            )
+    def get_pkt_snr_value(self):
+        v = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.PKT_SNR_VALUE, 0])[1]
+        return float(256-v) / 4.
+    def get_pkt_rssi_value(self):
+        v = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.PKT_RSSI_VALUE, 0])[1]
+        return v - (164 if BOARD.low_band else 157)     # See datasheet 5.5.5. p. 87
+    def get_rssi_value(self):
+        v = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.RSSI_VALUE, 0])[1]
+        return v - (164 if BOARD.low_band else 157)     # See datasheet 5.5.5. p. 87
+    def get_hop_channel(self):
+        v = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.HOP_CHANNEL, 0])[1]
+        return dict(
+                pll_timeout          = v >> 7,
+                crc_on_payload       = v >> 6 & 0x01,
+                fhss_present_channel = v >> 5 & 0b111111
+            )
+    def get_modem_config_1(self):
+        val = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.MODEM_CONFIG_1, 0])[1]
+        return dict(
+                bw = val >> 4 & 0x0F,
+                coding_rate = val >> 1 & 0x07,
+                implicit_header_mode = val & 0x01
+            )
+    def set_modem_config_1(self, bw=None, coding_rate=None, implicit_header_mode=None):
+        loc = locals()
+        current = self.get_modem_config_1()
+        loc = {s: current[s] if loc[s] is None else loc[s] for s in loc}
+        val = loc['implicit_header_mode'] | (loc['coding_rate'] << 1) | (loc['bw'] << 4)
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.MODEM_CONFIG_1 | 0x80, val])[1]
+    def set_bw(self, bw):
+        """ Set the bandwidth 0=7.8kHz ... 9=500kHz
+        :param bw: A number 0,2,3,...,9
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.set_modem_config_1(bw=bw)
+    def set_coding_rate(self, coding_rate):
+        """ Set the coding rate 4/5, 4/6, 4/7, 4/8
+        :param coding_rate: A number 1,2,3,4
+        :return: New register value
+        """
+        self.set_modem_config_1(coding_rate=coding_rate)
+    def set_implicit_header_mode(self, implicit_header_mode):
+        self.set_modem_config_1(implicit_header_mode=implicit_header_mode)
+    def get_modem_config_2(self, include_symb_timout_lsb=False):
+        val = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.MODEM_CONFIG_2, 0])[1]
+        d = dict(
+                spreading_factor = val >> 4 & 0x0F,
+                tx_cont_mode = val >> 3 & 0x01,
+                rx_crc = val >> 2 & 0x01,
+            )
+        if include_symb_timout_lsb:
+            d['symb_timout_lsb'] = val & 0x03
+        return d
+    def set_modem_config_2(self, spreading_factor=None, tx_cont_mode=None, rx_crc=None):
+        loc = locals()
+        # RegModemConfig2 contains the SymbTimout MSB bits. We tack the back on when writing this register.
+        current = self.get_modem_config_2(include_symb_timout_lsb=True)
+        loc = {s: current[s] if loc[s] is None else loc[s] for s in loc}
+        val = (loc['spreading_factor'] << 4) | (loc['tx_cont_mode'] << 3) | (loc['rx_crc'] << 2) | current['symb_timout_lsb']
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.MODEM_CONFIG_2 | 0x80, val])[1]
+    def set_spreading_factor(self, spreading_factor):
+        self.set_modem_config_2(spreading_factor=spreading_factor)
+    def set_rx_crc(self, rx_crc):
+        self.set_modem_config_2(rx_crc=rx_crc)
+    def get_modem_config_3(self):
+        val = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.MODEM_CONFIG_3, 0])[1]
+        return dict(
+                low_data_rate_optim = val >> 3 & 0x01,
+                agc_auto_on = val >> 2 & 0x01
+            )
+    def set_modem_config_3(self, low_data_rate_optim=None, agc_auto_on=None):
+        loc = locals()
+        current = self.get_modem_config_3()
+        loc = {s: current[s] if loc[s] is None else loc[s] for s in loc}
+        val = (loc['low_data_rate_optim'] << 3) | (loc['agc_auto_on'] << 2)
+        return self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.MODEM_CONFIG_3 | 0x80, val])[1]
+    @setter(REG.LORA.INVERT_IQ)
+    def set_invert_iq(self, invert):
+        """ Invert the LoRa I and Q signals
+        :param invert: 0: normal mode, 1: I and Q inverted
+        :return: New value of register
+        """
+        return 0x27 | (invert & 0x01) << 6
+    @getter(REG.LORA.INVERT_IQ)
+    def get_invert_iq(self, val):
+        """ Get the invert the I and Q setting
+        :return: 0: normal mode, 1: I and Q inverted
+        """
+        return (val >> 6) & 0x01
+    def get_agc_auto_on(self):
+        return self.get_modem_config_3()['agc_auto_on']
+    def set_agc_auto_on(self, agc_auto_on):
+        self.set_modem_config_3(agc_auto_on=agc_auto_on)
+    def get_low_data_rate_optim(self):
+        return self.set_modem_config_3()['low_data_rate_optim']
+    def set_low_data_rate_optim(self, low_data_rate_optim):
+        self.set_modem_config_3(low_data_rate_optim=low_data_rate_optim)
+    def get_symb_timeout(self):
+        msb, lsb = self.spi.xfer([SYMB_TIMEOUT_MSB, 0, 0])[1:]    # the MSB bits are stored in REG.LORA.MODEM_CONFIG_2
+        msb = msb & 0b11
+        return lsb + 256 * msb
+    def set_symb_timeout(self, timeout):
+        bkup_reg_modem_config_2 = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.MODEM_CONFIG_2, 0])[1]
+        msb = timeout >> 8 & 0b11    # bits 8-9
+        lsb = timeout - 256 * msb    # bits 0-7
+        reg_modem_config_2 = bkup_reg_modem_config_2 & 0xFC | msb    # bits 2-7 of bkup_reg_modem_config_2 ORed with the two msb bits
+        old_msb = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.MODEM_CONFIG_2  | 0x80, reg_modem_config_2])[1] & 0x03
+        old_lsb = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.SYMB_TIMEOUT_LSB | 0x80, lsb])[1]
+        return old_lsb + 256 * old_msb
+    def get_preamble(self):
+        msb, lsb = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.PREAMBLE_MSB, 0, 0])[1:]
+        return lsb + 256 * msb
+    def set_preamble(self, preamble):
+        msb = preamble >> 8
+        lsb = preamble - msb * 256
+        old_msb, old_lsb = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.PREAMBLE_MSB | 0x80, msb, lsb])[1:]
+        return old_lsb + 256 * old_msb
+    def get_payload_length(self, val):
+        return val
+    def set_payload_length(self, payload_length):
+        return payload_length
+    def get_max_payload_length(self, val):
+        return val
+    def set_max_payload_length(self, max_payload_length):
+        return max_payload_length
+    @getter(REG.LORA.HOP_PERIOD)
+    def get_hop_period(self, val):
+        return val
+    @setter(REG.LORA.HOP_PERIOD)
+    def set_hop_period(self, hop_period):
+        return hop_period
+    def get_fei(self):
+        msb, mid, lsb = self.spi.xfer([REG.LORA.FEI_MSB, 0, 0, 0])[1:]
+        msb &= 0x0F
+        freq_error = lsb + 256 * (mid + 256 * msb)
+        return freq_error
+    def get_detect_optimize(self, val):
+        """ Get LoRa detection optimize setting
+        :return: detection optimize setting 0x03: SF7-12, 0x05: SF6
+        """
+        return val & 0b111
+    def set_detect_optimize(self, detect_optimize):
+        """ Set LoRa detection optimize
+        :param detect_optimize 0x03: SF7-12, 0x05: SF6
+        :return: New register value
+        """
+        assert detect_optimize == 0x03 or detect_optimize == 0x05
+        return detect_optimize & 0b111
+    def get_detection_threshold(self, val):
+        """ Get LoRa detection threshold setting
+        :return: detection threshold 0x0A: SF7-12, 0x0C: SF6
+        """
+        return val
+    def set_detection_threshold(self, detect_threshold):
+        """ Set LoRa detection optimize
+        :param detect_threshold 0x0A: SF7-12, 0x0C: SF6
+        :return: New register value
+        """
+        assert detect_threshold == 0x0A or detect_threshold == 0x0C
+        return detect_threshold
+    @getter(REG.LORA.SYNC_WORD)
+    def get_sync_word(self, sync_word):
+        return sync_word
+    @setter(REG.LORA.SYNC_WORD)
+    def set_sync_word(self, sync_word):
+        return sync_word
+    @getter(REG.LORA.DIO_MAPPING_1)
+    def get_dio_mapping_1(self, mapping):
+        """ Get mapping of pins DIO0 to DIO3. Object variable dio_mapping will be set.
+        :param mapping: Register value
+        :type mapping: int
+        :return: Value of the mapping list
+        :rtype: list[int]
+        """
+        self.dio_mapping = [mapping>>6 & 0x03, mapping>>4 & 0x03, mapping>>2 & 0x03, mapping>>0 & 0x03] \
+                           + self.dio_mapping[4:6]
+        return self.dio_mapping
+    @setter(REG.LORA.DIO_MAPPING_1)
+    def set_dio_mapping_1(self, mapping):
+        """ Set mapping of pins DIO0 to DIO3. Object variable dio_mapping will be set.
+        :param mapping: Register value
+        :type mapping: int
+        :return: New value of the register
+        :rtype: int
+        """
+        self.dio_mapping = [mapping>>6 & 0x03, mapping>>4 & 0x03, mapping>>2 & 0x03, mapping>>0 & 0x03] \
+                           + self.dio_mapping[4:6]
+        return mapping
+    @getter(REG.LORA.DIO_MAPPING_2)
+    def get_dio_mapping_2(self, mapping):
+        """ Get mapping of pins DIO4 to DIO5. Object variable dio_mapping will be set.
+        :param mapping: Register value
+        :type mapping: int
+        :return: Value of the mapping list
+        :rtype: list[int]
+        """
+        self.dio_mapping = self.dio_mapping[0:4] + [mapping>>6 & 0x03, mapping>>4 & 0x03]
+        return self.dio_mapping
+    @setter(REG.LORA.DIO_MAPPING_2)
+    def set_dio_mapping_2(self, mapping):
+        """ Set mapping of pins DIO4 to DIO5. Object variable dio_mapping will be set.
+        :param mapping: Register value
+        :type mapping: int
+        :return: New value of the register
+        :rtype: int
+        """
+        assert mapping & 0b00001110 == 0
+        self.dio_mapping = self.dio_mapping[0:4] + [mapping>>6 & 0x03, mapping>>4 & 0x03]
+        return mapping
+    def get_dio_mapping(self):
+        """ Utility function that returns the list of current DIO mappings. Object variable dio_mapping will be set.
+        :return: List of current DIO mappings
+        :rtype: list[int]
+        """
+        self.get_dio_mapping_1()
+        return self.get_dio_mapping_2()
+    def set_dio_mapping(self, mapping):
+        """ Utility function that returns the list of current DIO mappings. Object variable dio_mapping will be set.
+        :param mapping: DIO mapping list
+        :type mapping: list[int]
+        :return: New DIO mapping list
+        :rtype: list[int]
+        """
+        mapping_1 = (mapping[0] & 0x03) << 6 | (mapping[1] & 0x03) << 4 | (mapping[2] & 0x3) << 2 | mapping[3] & 0x3
+        mapping_2 = (mapping[4] & 0x03) << 6 | (mapping[5] & 0x03) << 4
+        self.set_dio_mapping_1(mapping_1)
+        return self.set_dio_mapping_2(mapping_2)
+    @getter(REG.LORA.VERSION)
+    def get_version(self, version):
+        """ Version code of the chip.
+            Bits 7-4 give the full revision number; bits 3-0 give the metal mask revision number.
+        :return: Version code
+        :rtype: int
+        """
+        return version
+    @getter(REG.LORA.TCXO)
+    def get_tcxo(self, tcxo):
+        """ Get TCXO or XTAL input setting
+            0 -> "XTAL": Crystal Oscillator with external Crystal
+            1 -> "TCXO": External clipped sine TCXO AC-connected to XTA pin
+        :param tcxo: 1=TCXO or 0=XTAL input setting
+        :return: TCXO or XTAL input setting
+        :type: int (0 or 1)
+        """
+        return tcxo & 0b00010000
+    @setter(REG.LORA.TCXO)
+    def set_tcxo(self, tcxo):
+        """ Make TCXO or XTAL input setting.
+            0 -> "XTAL": Crystal Oscillator with external Crystal
+            1 -> "TCXO": External clipped sine TCXO AC-connected to XTA pin
+        :param tcxo: 1=TCXO or 0=XTAL input setting
+        :return: new TCXO or XTAL input setting
+        """
+        return (tcxo >= 1) << 4 | 0x09      # bits 0-3 must be 0b1001
+    @getter(REG.LORA.PA_DAC)
+    def get_pa_dac(self, pa_dac):
+        """ Enables the +20dBm option on PA_BOOST pin
+            False -> Default value
+            True  -> +20dBm on PA_BOOST when OutputPower=1111
+        :return: True/False if +20dBm option on PA_BOOST on/off
+        :rtype: bool
+        """
+        pa_dac &= 0x07      # only bits 0-2
+        if pa_dac == 0x04:
+            return False
+        elif pa_dac == 0x07:
+            return True
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError("Bad PA_DAC value %s" % hex(pa_dac))
+    @setter(REG.LORA.PA_DAC)
+    def set_pa_dac(self, pa_dac):
+        """ Enables the +20dBm option on PA_BOOST pin
+            False -> Default value
+            True  -> +20dBm on PA_BOOST when OutputPower=1111
+        :param pa_dac: 1/0 if +20dBm option on PA_BOOST on/off
+        :return: New pa_dac register value
+        :rtype: int
+        """
+        return 0x87 if pa_dac else 0x84
+    def rx_chain_calibration(self, freq=868.):
+        """ Run the image calibration (see Semtech documentation section
+        :param freq: Frequency for the HF calibration
+        :return: None
+        """
+        # backup some registers
+        op_mode_bkup = self.get_mode()
+        pa_config_bkup = self.get_register(REG.LORA.PA_CONFIG)
+        freq_bkup = self.get_freq()
+        # for image calibration device must be in FSK standby mode
+        self.set_mode(MODE.FSK_STDBY)
+        # cut the PA
+        self.set_register(REG.LORA.PA_CONFIG, 0x00)
+        # calibration for the LF band
+        image_cal = (self.get_register(REG.FSK.IMAGE_CAL) & 0xBF) | 0x40
+        self.set_register(REG.FSK.IMAGE_CAL, image_cal)
+        while (self.get_register(REG.FSK.IMAGE_CAL) & 0x20) == 0x20:
+            pass
+        # Set a Frequency in HF band
+        self.set_freq(freq)
+        # calibration for the HF band
+        image_cal = (self.get_register(REG.FSK.IMAGE_CAL) & 0xBF) | 0x40
+        self.set_register(REG.FSK.IMAGE_CAL, image_cal)
+        while (self.get_register(REG.FSK.IMAGE_CAL) & 0x20) == 0x20:
+            pass
+        # put back the saved parameters
+        self.set_mode(op_mode_bkup)
+        self.set_register(REG.LORA.PA_CONFIG, pa_config_bkup)
+        self.set_freq(freq_bkup)
+    def dump_registers(self):
+        """ Returns a list of [reg_addr, reg_name, reg_value] tuples. Chip is put into mode SLEEP.
+        :return: List of [reg_addr, reg_name, reg_value] tuples
+        :rtype: list[tuple]
+        """
+        self.set_mode(MODE.SLEEP)
+        values = self.get_all_registers()
+        skip_set = set([REG.LORA.FIFO])
+        result_list = []
+        for i, s in REG.LORA.lookup.iteritems():
+            if i in skip_set:
+                continue
+            v = values[i]
+            result_list.append((i, s, v))
+        return result_list
+    def get_register(self, register_address):
+        return self.spi.xfer([register_address & 0x7F, 0])[1]
+    def set_register(self, register_address, val):
+        return self.spi.xfer([register_address | 0x80, val])[1]
+    def get_all_registers(self):
+        # read all registers
+        reg = [0] + self.spi.xfer([1]+[0]*0x3E)[1:]
+        self.mode = reg[1]
+        return reg
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.set_mode(MODE.SLEEP)
+        if self.verbose:
+            sys.stderr.write("MODE=SLEEP\n")
+    def __str__(self):
+        # don't use __str__ while in any mode other that SLEEP or STDBY
+        assert(self.mode == MODE.SLEEP or self.mode == MODE.STDBY)
+        onoff = lambda i: 'ON' if i else 'OFF'
+        f = self.get_freq()
+        cfg1 = self.get_modem_config_1()
+        cfg2 = self.get_modem_config_2()
+        cfg3 = self.get_modem_config_3()
+        pa_config = self.get_pa_config(convert_dBm=True)
+        ocp = self.get_ocp(convert_mA=True)
+        lna = self.get_lna()
+        s =  "SX127x LoRa registers:\n"
+        s += " mode               %s\n" % MODE.lookup[self.get_mode()]
+        s += " freq               %f MHz\n" % f
+        s += " coding_rate        %s\n" % CODING_RATE.lookup[cfg1['coding_rate']]
+        s += " bw                 %s\n" % BW.lookup[cfg1['bw']]
+        s += " spreading_factor   %s chips/symb\n" % (1 << cfg2['spreading_factor'])
+        s += " implicit_hdr_mode  %s\n" % onoff(cfg1['implicit_header_mode'])
+        s += " rx_payload_crc     %s\n" % onoff(cfg2['rx_crc'])
+        s += " tx_cont_mode       %s\n" % onoff(cfg2['tx_cont_mode'])
+        s += " preamble           %d\n" % self.get_preamble()
+        s += " low_data_rate_opti %s\n" % onoff(cfg3['low_data_rate_optim'])
+        s += " agc_auto_on        %s\n" % onoff(cfg3['agc_auto_on'])
+        s += " symb_timeout       %s\n" % self.get_symb_timeout()
+        s += " freq_hop_period    %s\n" % self.get_hop_period()
+        s += " hop_channel        %s\n" % self.get_hop_channel()
+        s += " payload_length     %s\n" % self.get_payload_length()
+        s += " max_payload_length %s\n" % self.get_max_payload_length()
+        s += " irq_flags_mask     %s\n" % self.get_irq_flags_mask()
+        s += " irq_flags          %s\n" % self.get_irq_flags()
+        s += " rx_nb_byte         %d\n" % self.get_rx_nb_bytes()
+        s += " rx_header_cnt      %d\n" % self.get_rx_header_cnt()
+        s += " rx_packet_cnt      %d\n" % self.get_rx_packet_cnt()
+        s += " pkt_snr_value      %f\n" % self.get_pkt_snr_value()
+        s += " pkt_rssi_value     %d\n" % self.get_pkt_rssi_value()
+        s += " rssi_value         %d\n" % self.get_rssi_value()
+        s += " fei                %d\n" % self.get_fei()
+        s += " pa_select          %s\n" % PA_SELECT.lookup[pa_config['pa_select']]
+        s += " max_power          %f dBm\n" % pa_config['max_power']
+        s += " output_power       %f dBm\n" % pa_config['output_power']
+        s += " ocp                %s\n"     % onoff(ocp['ocp_on'])
+        s += " ocp_trim           %f mA\n"  % ocp['ocp_trim']
+        s += " lna_gain           %s\n" % GAIN.lookup[lna['lna_gain']]
+        s += " lna_boost_lf       %s\n" % bin(lna['lna_boost_lf'])
+        s += " lna_boost_hf       %s\n" % bin(lna['lna_boost_hf'])
+        s += " detect_optimize    %#02x\n" % self.get_detect_optimize()
+        s += " detection_thresh   %#02x\n" % self.get_detection_threshold()
+        s += " sync_word          %#02x\n" % self.get_sync_word()
+        s += " dio_mapping 0..5   %s\n" % self.get_dio_mapping()
+        s += " tcxo               %s\n" % ['XTAL', 'TCXO'][self.get_tcxo()]
+        s += " pa_dac             %s\n" % ['default', 'PA_BOOST'][self.get_pa_dac()]
+        s += " fifo_addr_ptr      %#02x\n" % self.get_fifo_addr_ptr()
+        s += " fifo_tx_base_addr  %#02x\n" % self.get_fifo_tx_base_addr()
+        s += " fifo_rx_base_addr  %#02x\n" % self.get_fifo_rx_base_addr()
+        s += " fifo_rx_curr_addr  %#02x\n" % self.get_fifo_rx_current_addr()
+        s += " fifo_rx_byte_addr  %#02x\n" % self.get_fifo_rx_byte_addr()
+        s += " status             %s\n" % self.get_modem_status()
+        s += " version            %#02x\n" % self.get_version()
+        return s
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+++ b/RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+""" Defines LoRaArgumentParser which extends argparse.ArgumentParser with standard config parameters for the SX127x. """
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2018 Mayer Analytics Ltd.
+# This file is part of pySX127x.
+# pySX127x is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# pySX127x is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You can be released from the requirements of the license by obtaining a commercial license. Such a license is
+# mandatory as soon as you develop commercial activities involving pySX127x without disclosing the source code of your
+# own applications, or shipping pySX127x with a closed source product.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pySX127.  If not, see
+# <>.
+import argparse
+class LoRaArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
+    """ This class extends argparse.ArgumentParser.
+        Some commonly used LoRa config parameters are defined
+        * ocp
+        * spreading factor
+        * frequency
+        * bandwidth
+        * preamble
+        Call the parse_args with an additional parameter referencing a LoRa object. The args will be used to configure
+        the LoRa.
+    """
+    bw_lookup = dict(BW7_8=0, BW10_4=1, BW15_6=2, BW20_8=3, BW31_25=4, BW41_7=5, BW62_5=6, BW125=7, BW250=8, BW500=9)
+    cr_lookup = dict(CR4_5=1, CR4_6=2,CR4_7=3,CR4_8=4)
+    def __init__(self, description):
+        argparse.ArgumentParser.__init__(self, description=description)
+        self.add_argument('--ocp', '-c', dest='ocp', default=100, action="store", type=float,
+                          help="Over current protection in mA (45 .. 240 mA)")
+        self.add_argument('--sf', '-s', dest='sf', default=7, action="store", type=int,
+                          help="Spreading factor (6...12). Default is 7.")
+        self.add_argument('--freq', '-f', dest='freq', default=869., action="store", type=float,
+                          help="Frequency")
+        self.add_argument('--bw', '-b', dest='bw', default='BW125', action="store", type=str,
+                          help="Bandwidth (one of BW7_8 BW10_4 BW15_6 BW20_8 BW31_25 BW41_7 BW62_5 BW125 BW250 BW500).\nDefault is BW125.")
+        self.add_argument('--cr', '-r', dest='coding_rate', default='CR4_5', action="store", type=str,
+                          help="Coding rate (one of CR4_5 CR4_6 CR4_7 CR4_8).\nDefault is CR4_5.")
+        self.add_argument('--preamble', '-p', dest='preamble', default=8, action="store", type=int,
+                          help="Preamble length. Default is 8.")
+    def parse_args(self, lora):
+        """ Parse the args, perform some sanity checks and configure the LoRa accordingly.
+        :param lora: Reference to LoRa object
+        :return: args
+        """
+        args = argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args(self)
+ = self.bw_lookup.get(, None)
+        args.coding_rate = self.cr_lookup.get(args.coding_rate, None)
+        # some sanity checks
+        assert( is not None)
+        assert(args.coding_rate is not None)
+        assert(args.sf >=6 and args.sf <= 12)
+        # set the LoRa object
+        lora.set_freq(args.freq)
+        lora.set_preamble(args.preamble)
+        lora.set_spreading_factor(args.sf)
+        lora.set_bw(
+        lora.set_coding_rate(args.coding_rate)
+        lora.set_ocp_trim(args.ocp)
+        return args
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index 0000000..78c5d36
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+++ b/RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+__all__ = ['SX127x']
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14dae8e
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@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+""" Defines the BOARD class that contains the board pin mappings and RF module HF/LF info. """
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015-2018 Mayer Analytics Ltd.
+# This file is part of pySX127x.
+# pySX127x is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# pySX127x is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You can be released from the requirements of the license by obtaining a commercial license. Such a license is
+# mandatory as soon as you develop commercial activities involving pySX127x without disclosing the source code of your
+# own applications, or shipping pySX127x with a closed source product.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pySX127.  If not, see
+# <>.
+import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
+import spidev
+import time
+class BOARD:
+    """ Board initialisation/teardown and pin configuration is kept here.
+        Also, information about the RF module is kept here.
+        This is the Raspberry Pi board with one LED and a modtronix inAir9B.
+    """
+    # Note that the BCOM numbering for the GPIOs is used.
+    DIO0 = 22   # RaspPi GPIO 22
+    DIO1 = 23   # RaspPi GPIO 23
+    DIO2 = 24   # RaspPi GPIO 24
+    DIO3 = 25   # RaspPi GPIO 25
+    LED  = 18   # RaspPi GPIO 18 connects to the LED on the proto shield
+    SWITCH = 4  # RaspPi GPIO 4 connects to a switch
+    # The spi object is kept here
+    spi = None
+    # tell pySX127x here whether the attached RF module uses low-band (RF*_LF pins) or high-band (RF*_HF pins).
+    # low band (called band 1&2) are 137-175 and 410-525
+    # high band (called band 3) is 862-1020
+    low_band = True
+    @staticmethod
+    def setup():
+        """ Configure the Raspberry GPIOs
+        :rtype : None
+        """
+        GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)
+        # LED
+        GPIO.setup(BOARD.LED, GPIO.OUT)
+        GPIO.output(BOARD.LED, 0)
+        # switch
+        GPIO.setup(BOARD.SWITCH, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) 
+        # DIOx
+        for gpio_pin in [BOARD.DIO0, BOARD.DIO1, BOARD.DIO2, BOARD.DIO3]:
+            GPIO.setup(gpio_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
+        # blink 2 times to signal the board is set up
+        BOARD.blink(.1, 2)
+    @staticmethod
+    def teardown():
+        """ Cleanup GPIO and SpiDev """
+        GPIO.cleanup()
+        BOARD.spi.close()
+    @staticmethod
+    def SpiDev(spi_bus=0, spi_cs=0):
+        """ Init and return the SpiDev object
+        :return: SpiDev object
+        :param spi_bus: The RPi SPI bus to use: 0 or 1
+        :param spi_cs: The RPi SPI chip select to use: 0 or 1
+        :rtype: SpiDev
+        """
+        BOARD.spi = spidev.SpiDev()
+, spi_cs)
+        BOARD.spi.max_speed_hz = 5000000    # SX127x can go up to 10MHz, pick half that to be safe
+        return BOARD.spi
+    @staticmethod
+    def add_event_detect(dio_number, callback):
+        """ Wraps around the GPIO.add_event_detect function
+        :param dio_number: DIO pin 0...5
+        :param callback: The function to call when the DIO triggers an IRQ.
+        :return: None
+        """
+        GPIO.add_event_detect(dio_number, GPIO.RISING, callback=callback)
+    @staticmethod
+    def add_events(cb_dio0, cb_dio1, cb_dio2, cb_dio3, cb_dio4, cb_dio5, switch_cb=None):
+        BOARD.add_event_detect(BOARD.DIO0, callback=cb_dio0)
+        BOARD.add_event_detect(BOARD.DIO1, callback=cb_dio1)
+        BOARD.add_event_detect(BOARD.DIO2, callback=cb_dio2)
+        BOARD.add_event_detect(BOARD.DIO3, callback=cb_dio3)
+        # the modtronix inAir9B does not expose DIO4 and DIO5
+        if switch_cb is not None:
+            GPIO.add_event_detect(BOARD.SWITCH, GPIO.RISING, callback=switch_cb, bouncetime=300)
+    @staticmethod
+    def led_on(value=1):
+        """ Switch the proto shields LED
+        :param value: 0/1 for off/on. Default is 1.
+        :return: value
+        :rtype : int
+        """
+        GPIO.output(BOARD.LED, value)
+        return value
+    @staticmethod
+    def led_off():
+        """ Switch LED off
+        :return: 0
+        """
+        GPIO.output(BOARD.LED, 0)
+        return 0
+    @staticmethod
+    def blink(time_sec, n_blink):
+        if n_blink == 0:
+            return
+        BOARD.led_on()
+        for i in range(n_blink):
+            time.sleep(time_sec)
+            BOARD.led_off()
+            time.sleep(time_sec)
+            BOARD.led_on()
+        BOARD.led_off()
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02d4119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+""" Defines constants (modes, bandwidths, registers, etc.) needed by SX127x. """
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015-2018 Mayer Analytics Ltd.
+# This file is part of pySX127x.
+# pySX127x is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# pySX127x is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You can be released from the requirements of the license by obtaining a commercial license. Such a license is
+# mandatory as soon as you develop commercial activities involving pySX127x without disclosing the source code of your
+# own applications, or shipping pySX127x with a closed source product.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pySX127.  If not, see
+# <>.
+def add_lookup(cls):
+    """ A decorator that adds a lookup dictionary to the class.
+        The lookup dictionary maps the codes back to the names. This is used for pretty-printing. """
+    varnames = filter(str.isupper, cls.__dict__.keys())
+    lookup = dict(map(lambda varname: (cls.__dict__.get(varname, None), varname), varnames))
+    setattr(cls, 'lookup', lookup)
+    return cls
+class MODE:
+    SLEEP    = 0x80
+    STDBY    = 0x81
+    FSTX     = 0x82
+    TX       = 0x83
+    FSRX     = 0x84
+    RXCONT   = 0x85
+    RXSINGLE = 0x86
+    CAD      = 0x87
+    FSK_STDBY= 0x01     # needed for calibration
+class BW:
+    BW7_8   = 0
+    BW10_4  = 1
+    BW15_6  = 2
+    BW20_8  = 3
+    BW31_25 = 4
+    BW41_7  = 5
+    BW62_5  = 6
+    BW125   = 7
+    BW250   = 8
+    BW500   = 9
+    CR4_5 = 1
+    CR4_6 = 2
+    CR4_7 = 3
+    CR4_8 = 4
+class GAIN:
+    NOT_USED = 0b000
+    G1       = 0b001
+    G2       = 0b010
+    G3       = 0b011
+    G4       = 0b100
+    G5       = 0b101
+    G6       = 0b110
+class PA_SELECT:
+    RFO      = 0
+    PA_BOOST = 1
+class PA_RAMP:
+    RAMP_3_4_ms = 0
+    RAMP_2_ms   = 1
+    RAMP_1_ms   = 2
+    RAMP_500_us = 3
+    RAMP_250_us = 4
+    RAMP_125_us = 5
+    RAMP_100_us = 6
+    RAMP_62_us  = 7
+    RAMP_50_us  = 8
+    RAMP_40_us  = 9
+    RAMP_31_us  = 10
+    RAMP_25_us  = 11
+    RAMP_20_us  = 12
+    RAMP_15_us  = 13
+    RAMP_12_us  = 14
+    RAMP_10_us  = 15
+class MASK:
+    class IRQ_FLAGS:
+        RxTimeout           = 7
+        RxDone              = 6
+        PayloadCrcError     = 5
+        ValidHeader         = 4
+        TxDone              = 3
+        CadDone             = 2
+        FhssChangeChannel   = 1
+        CadDetected         = 0
+class REG:
+    @add_lookup
+    class LORA:
+        FIFO               = 0x00
+        OP_MODE            = 0x01
+        FR_MSB             = 0x06
+        FR_MID             = 0x07
+        FR_LSB             = 0x08
+        PA_CONFIG          = 0x09
+        PA_RAMP            = 0x0A
+        OCP                = 0x0B
+        LNA                = 0x0C
+        FIFO_ADDR_PTR      = 0x0D
+        FIFO_TX_BASE_ADDR  = 0x0E
+        FIFO_RX_BASE_ADDR  = 0x0F
+        FIFO_RX_CURR_ADDR  = 0x10
+        IRQ_FLAGS_MASK     = 0x11
+        IRQ_FLAGS          = 0x12
+        RX_NB_BYTES        = 0x13
+        RX_HEADER_CNT_MSB  = 0x14
+        RX_PACKET_CNT_MSB  = 0x16
+        MODEM_STAT         = 0x18
+        PKT_SNR_VALUE      = 0x19
+        PKT_RSSI_VALUE     = 0x1A
+        RSSI_VALUE         = 0x1B
+        HOP_CHANNEL        = 0x1C
+        MODEM_CONFIG_1     = 0x1D
+        MODEM_CONFIG_2     = 0x1E
+        SYMB_TIMEOUT_LSB   = 0x1F
+        PREAMBLE_MSB       = 0x20
+        PAYLOAD_LENGTH     = 0x22
+        MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 0x23
+        HOP_PERIOD         = 0x24
+        FIFO_RX_BYTE_ADDR  = 0x25
+        MODEM_CONFIG_3     = 0x26
+        PPM_CORRECTION     = 0x27
+        FEI_MSB            = 0x28
+        DETECT_OPTIMIZE    = 0X31
+        INVERT_IQ          = 0x33
+        DETECTION_THRESH   = 0X37
+        SYNC_WORD          = 0X39
+        DIO_MAPPING_1      = 0x40
+        DIO_MAPPING_2      = 0x41
+        VERSION            = 0x42
+        TCXO               = 0x4B
+        PA_DAC             = 0x4D
+        AGC_REF            = 0x61
+        AGC_THRESH_1       = 0x62
+        AGC_THRESH_2       = 0x63
+        AGC_THRESH_3       = 0x64
+        PLL                = 0x70
+    @add_lookup
+    class FSK:
+        LNA                = 0x0C
+        RX_CONFIG          = 0x0D
+        RSSI_CONFIG        = 0x0E
+        PREAMBLE_DETECT    = 0x1F
+        OSC                = 0x24
+        SYNC_CONFIG        = 0x27
+        SYNC_VALUE_1       = 0x28
+        SYNC_VALUE_2       = 0x29
+        SYNC_VALUE_3       = 0x2A
+        SYNC_VALUE_4       = 0x2B
+        SYNC_VALUE_5       = 0x2C
+        SYNC_VALUE_6       = 0x2D
+        SYNC_VALUE_7       = 0x2E
+        SYNC_VALUE_8       = 0x2F
+        PACKET_CONFIG_1    = 0x30
+        FIFO_THRESH        = 0x35
+        IMAGE_CAL          = 0x3B
+        DIO_MAPPING_1      = 0x40
+        DIO_MAPPING_2      = 0x41
diff --git a/RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/ b/RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/
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index 0000000..2c5ea10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RaspberryPi_Receiver/SX127x/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2016,
+# All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# A demo program for lora to send message compatible with python2/3
+# Author : sosorry
+# Date   : 10/03/2017
+import sys
+import codecs
+import binascii
+SOH  = "01"    # 0x01
+ACK  = "06"    # 0x06
+#CRLF = "\r\n"  # 0x32 0x41 0x33 0x31
+CRLF = "43524C46"  # CRLF \r\n
+# pack string to customized payload
+# payload: [SOH]    [LENGTH]   [PAYLOAD]          [CRLF]
+#          2 bytes  6 bytes    length * 2 bytes   4 bytes
+def Pack_Str(string):
+    try:
+        # python2
+        data   = string.encode("hex")
+    except:
+        # python3
+        data = string.encode('utf-8')
+    length = len(data)
+    if length < 10:
+        length = str(0) + str(0) + str(length)
+    elif length >= 10 and length < 100:
+        length = str(0)  + str(length)
+    else:
+        length = str(length)
+    try:
+        # python2
+        payload = SOH + length.encode("hex") + data + CRLF
+    except:
+        # python3
+        payload = bytes(SOH, 'utf-8') + str(length).encode(encoding='utf-8') + data + bytes(CRLF, 'utf-8')
+    return [length, payload]
+# unpack payload to string
+def Unpack_Str(string):
+    try:
+        # python2
+        soh    = string[0:1]
+        length = int((string[2:8]).decode("hex")) /2
+        #data   = (string[8:-2]).decode("hex")
+        data   = (string[8:-8]).decode("hex")
+    except:
+        # python3
+        soh    = string[0:2]
+        length = string[2:5]
+        data   = string[5:-8]
+    return [length, data]