#ifndef _CCS811_H #define _CCS811_H #if ARDUINO >= 100 #include "Arduino.h" #else #include "WProgram.h" #endif #include <Wire.h> /*I2C ADDRESS*/ #define CCS811_I2C_ADDRESS1 0x5A #define CCS811_I2C_ADDRESS2 0x5B #define CCS811_REG_STATUS 0x00 #define CCS811_REG_MEAS_MODE 0x01 #define CCS811_REG_ALG_RESULT_DATA 0x02 #define CCS811_REG_RAW_DATA 0x03 #define CCS811_REG_ENV_DATA 0x05 #define CCS811_REG_NTC 0x06 #define CCS811_REG_THRESHOLDS 0x10 #define CCS811_REG_BASELINE 0x11 #define CCS811_REG_HW_ID 0x20 #define CCS811_REG_HW_VERSION 0x21 #define CCS811_REG_FW_BOOT_VERSION 0x23 #define CCS811_REG_FW_APP_VERSION 0x24 #define CCS811_REG_INTERNAL_STATE 0xA0 #define CCS811_REG_ERROR_ID 0xE0 #define CCS811_REG_SW_RESET 0xFF #define CCS811_BOOTLOADER_APP_ERASE 0xF1 #define CCS811_BOOTLOADER_APP_DATA 0xF2 #define CCS811_BOOTLOADER_APP_VERIFY 0xF3 #define CCS811_BOOTLOADER_APP_START 0xF4 #define CCS811_HW_ID 0x81 //Open the macro to see the detailed program execution process. //#define ENABLE_DBG #ifdef ENABLE_DBG #define DBG(...) {Serial.print("[");Serial.print(__FUNCTION__); Serial.print("(): "); Serial.print(__LINE__); Serial.print(" ] "); Serial.println(__VA_ARGS__);} #else #define DBG(...) #endif class CCS811 { public: #define ERR_OK 0 //OK #define ERR_DATA_BUS -1 //error in data bus #define ERR_IC_VERSION -2 //chip version mismatch uint8_t _deviceAddr; typedef enum{ eMode0, //Idle (Measurements are disabled in this mode) eMode1, //Constant power mode, IAQ measurement every second eMode2, //Pulse heating mode IAQ measurement every 10 seconds eMode3, //Low power pulse heating mode IAQ measurement every 60 seconds eMode4 //Constant power mode, sensor measurement every 250ms 1xx: Reserved modes (For future use) }eDRIVE_MODE_t; typedef enum{ eClosed, //Idle (Measurements are disabled in this mode) eCycle_1s, //Constant power mode, IAQ measurement every second eCycle_10s, //Pulse heating mode IAQ measurement every 10 seconds eCycle_60s, //Low power pulse heating mode IAQ measurement every 60 seconds eCycle_250ms //Constant power mode, sensor measurement every 250ms 1xx: Reserved modes (For future use) }eCycle_t; /** * @brief Constructor * @param Input in Wire address */ CCS811(TwoWire *pWire = &Wire, uint8_t deviceAddr = 0x5A){_pWire = pWire; _deviceAddr = deviceAddr;}; /** * @brief Constructor * @return Return 0 if initialization succeeds, otherwise return non-zero. */ int begin(); /** * @brief Judge if there is data to read * @return Return 1 if there is, otherwise return 0. */ bool checkDataReady(); /** * @brief Reset sensor, clear all configured data. */ void softReset(), /** * @brief Set environment parameter * @param temperature Set temperature value, unit: centigrade, range (-40~85℃) * @param humidity Set humidity value, unit: RH, range (0~100) */ setInTempHum(float temperature, float humidity), /** * @brief Measurement parameter configuration * @param thresh:0 for Interrupt mode operates normally; 1 for interrupt mode only asserts the nINT signal (driven low) if the new * @param interrupt:0 for Interrupt generation is disabled; 1 for the nINT signal is asserted (driven low) when a new sample is ready in * @param mode:in typedef enum eDRIVE_MODE_t */ setMeasurementMode(uint8_t thresh, uint8_t interrupt, eDRIVE_MODE_t mode), /** * @brief Measurement parameter configuration * @param mode:in typedef enum eDRIVE_MODE_t */ setMeasCycle(eCycle_t cycle), /** * @brief Set interrupt thresholds * @param lowToMed: interrupt triggered value in range low to middle * @param medToHigh: interrupt triggered value in range middle to high */ setThresholds(uint16_t lowToMed, uint16_t medToHigh); /** * @brief Get current configured parameter * @return configuration code, needs to be converted into binary code to analyze * The 2nd: Interrupt mode (if enabled) operates normally,1: Interrupt mode (if enabled) only asserts the nINT signal (driven low) if the new * The 3rd: Interrupt generation is disabled,1: The nINT signal is asserted (driven low) when a new sample is ready in * The 4th: 6th: in typedef enum eDRIVE_MODE_t */ uint8_t getMeasurementMode(); /** * @brief Get the current carbon dioxide concentration * @return current carbon dioxide concentration, unit:ppm */ uint16_t getCO2PPM(), /** * @brief Get current TVOC concentration * @return Return current TVOC concentration, unit: ppb */ getTVOCPPB(); uint16_t readBaseLine(); void writeBaseLine(uint16_t baseLine); protected: typedef struct{ /* * The CCS811 received an I²C write request addressed to this station but with invalid register address ID */ uint8_t sWRITE_REG_INVALID: 1; /* * The CCS811 received an I²C read request to a mailbox ID that is invalid */ uint8_t sREAD_REG_INVALID: 1; /* * The CCS811 received an I²C request to write an unsupported mode to MEAS_MODE */ uint8_t sMEASMODE_INVALID: 1; /* * The sensor resistance measurement has reached or exceeded the maximum range */ uint8_t sMAX_RESISTANCE: 1; /* * The The Heater current in the CCS811 is not in range */ uint8_t sHEATER_FAULT: 1; /* * The Heater voltage is not being applied correctly */ uint8_t sHEATER_SUPPLY: 1; } __attribute__ ((packed))sError_id; typedef struct{ /* * ALG_RESULT_DATA crosses one of the thresholds set in the THRESHOLDS register * by more than the hysteresis value (also in the THRESHOLDS register) */ uint8_t sINT_THRESH: 1; /* * At the end of each measurement cycle (250ms, 1s, 10s, 60s) a flag is set in the * STATUS register regardless of the setting of this bit. */ uint8_t sINT_DATARDY: 1; /* * A new sample is placed in ALG_RESULT_DATA and RAW_DATA registers and the * DATA_READY bit in the STATUS register is set at the defined measurement interval. */ uint8_t sDRIVE_MODE: 3; } __attribute__ ((packed))sMeas_mode; typedef struct{ /* * This bit is cleared by reading ERROR_ID * It is not sufficient to read the ERROR field of ALG_RESULT_DATA and STATUS */ uint8_t sERROR: 1; /* * ALG_RESULT_DATA is read on the I²C interface */ uint8_t sDATA_READY: 1; uint8_t sAPP_VALID: 1; /* * After issuing a VERIFY command the application software must wait 70ms before * issuing any transactions to CCS811 over the I²C interface */ uint8_t sAPP_VERIFY: 1; /* * After issuing the ERASE command the application software must wait 500ms * before issuing any transactions to the CCS811 over the I2C interface. */ uint8_t sAPP_ERASE: 1; uint8_t sFW_MODE: 1; } __attribute__ ((packed))sStatus; void getData(void); void writeConfig(); virtual void writeReg(uint8_t reg, const void* pBuf, size_t size); virtual uint8_t readReg(uint8_t reg, const void* pBuf, size_t size); private: TwoWire *_pWire; uint16_t eCO2; uint16_t eTVOC; }; #endif