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-#+title: CS101/3 - Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence
+# CS101/3 - Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence
-* Info
+## Info
-** Lecture
+- **Lecture**
+  - Mondays 14:00-15:00 RC426
+- **Labs:**
+  - LT1105, LT1201, LT1221, LT1320 :: Mondays 15:00-17:00
+  - **Demonstrators:**
+    - Adel Dadaa <[adel.dadaa@strath.ac.uk](mailto:adel.dadaa@strath.ac.uk)>
+    - Pat Prochacki <[pat.prochacki@strath.ac.uk](mailto:pat.prochacki@strath.ac.uk)>
+    - Tochukwu Umeasiegbu <[tochukwu.umeasiegbu@strath.ac.uk](mailto:tochukwu.umeasiegbu@strath.ac.uk)>
-Mondays 14:00-15:00 RC426
+- **Links**
+  - [Course Mattermost Channel](https://mattermost.cis.strath.ac.uk/learning/channels/cs101-22-24)
-** Labs:
-- LT1105, LT1201, LT1221, LT1320 :: Mondays 15:00-17:00
-*** Demonstrators:
-- Adel Dadaa <[[mailto:adel.dadaa@strath.ac.uk>][adel.dadaa@strath.ac.uk]]>
-- Pat Prochacki <[[mailto:pat.prochacki@strath.ac.uk][pat.prochacki@strath.ac.uk]]>
-- Tochukwu Umeasiegbu <[[mailto:tochukwu.umeasiegbu@strath.ac.uk][tochukwu.umeasiegbu@strath.ac.uk]]>
-** Links
-- [[https://mattermost.cis.strath.ac.uk/learning/channels/cs101-22-24][Course Mattermost Channel]]
-* Marking Scheme
+## Marking Scheme
 - 10% :: Participation
-- 30% :: Assignment 1 - [[./cs101-csai-lec1.pdf][Yak Shaving]]
-  - 20% :: Create a git repository with a file, and share it
-  - 10% :: Put a transcript of a session with the Emacs doctor in that file
-- 30% :: Assignment 2 - [[./cs101-csai-lec1.pdf][Probability and Text]]
+- 30% :: Assignment 1 - [Yak Shaving](./cs101-csai-lec1.pdf)
+- 20% :: Create a git repository with a file, and share it
+- 10% :: Put a transcript of a session with the Emacs doctor in that file
+- 30% :: Assignment 2 - [Probability and Text](./cs101-csai-lec1.pdf)
   - 10% :: Write a program to output random characters
   - 10% :: Write a program that, given a character, predicts the next character
   - 10% :: Write a program to output a sequence of characters
   - 10% (bonus) :: Write a program that outputs a sequence of
-    characters conditional on the previous two characters
+characters conditional on the previous two characters
 - 30% :: Assignment 3
-* Topics
-1. Yak Shaving - Software Engineering Tooling [[./cs101-csai-lec1.pdf][(PDF]])
-2. Some Philosophical Experiments
-3. Symbol Manipulation and Logic
-4. Probability and Text prediction
-5. Vector Spaces and Word embedding
+## Topics
+- Yak Shaving - Software Engineering Tooling [(PDF)](./cs101-csai-lec1.pdf)
+- Some Philosophical Experiments
+- Symbol Manipulation and Logic
+- Probability and Text prediction
+- Vector Spaces and Word embedding
+## Python Quick-Start Guide
+[![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://img.youtube.com/vi/r54u4z_qay0/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r54u4z_qay0)
+More Coming!