# CS101/3 - CS/AI Assignment 3 Assignment 3 is just like Assignment 2 but with words instead of letters. You may wish to use the Python NLTK (https://www.nltk.org) Natural Language Toolkit to help break the text up into tokens (words) You may adapt the helper functions from Assignment 2 to work with words rather than letters or you may write your own from scratch Optionally, instead of doing this programming exercise, you may write a short essay, no longer than 2000 words on one of the topics that we have touched on in the philosophy of mind: - Turing's Imitation Game - Dneprov's Game (or, equivalently, Searle's Chinese Room) - Logical Behaviorism or Functionalism - The Engineering End-Run Assignment 3 is worth 30% in total. ## 3a word probabilities - 10% Given an input text, compute the word probabilities and generate a word, xgb21195@cafe:~$ ./assignment-3a example.txt the ## 3b conditional word probabilities - 10% Given an input text and a word, generate the next word according to the conditional probabilities in the text, xgb21195@cafe:~$ ./assignment-3b example.txt the cat ## 3c a stochastic parrot - 10% Given an input text, generate a sentence of a particular length according to the conditional word distributions, xgb21195@cafe:~$ ./assignment-3b example.txt 10 the cat ate a burrito that is not a butterfly