Intro ----- problem statement aims and objectives project outcome report structure Background Research & Related work ----------------------------------- literature review (git study?) initial survey similar systems - strengths/weaknesses and comparisons of similarities and omisions usability framework background info and eval conclusion of related work Problem Description and Specification -------------------------------------- problem overview requirement analysis/analysis results/conclusions specification design methodology approach to solving project plan (a lot of people have student questionaires, is supervisor "interview" enough?) System Design -------------- system architecture - software architecture jquery mobile UI Dev tools (lang, tech used) structure data management Design patterns High level process architecture system relation to use case and features data structures Detailed Design and Implementation ---------------------------------- prototyping final design outcome - detailed design of system, explanation of main class relationships system features integration with uni system challenging/interesting aspects of design implementation security features dB design guided self-assessment tool features backing storage of issues rationale .txt? Verification and Validation ---------------------------- making fake test data test plan overview, coverage and strategy and technology automated system testing black box testing / unit test bug tracking testing conclusions Results and Evaluation ---------------------- Final product valueable insights expert eval sentiment classfication eval ? comparison with spec functionality/end product eval meeting spec and requirements comparison to other ITS's user eval, performance eval, reflective eval of project process Summary and Conclusions ------------------------ Summary, reflection, Conclusions, Issues, Future Work (short term/ long term, usability/design, algo and process improvements) Appendix --------- prototypes agile board? Functional Requirements Technical Guide Project Poster and Initial Plan (?) References Framework Evaluation Requirements Survey Info on devices Use Cases Project Plan UI Mockups Detailed Design & imp (db schema) (detailed spec, full class design, use cases) User Guide Program Listing Detailed Test Strategy and Test Cases Eval Task Sheets Eval (users) Installation Guide Acronyms Maintenance and Developer's guide ?