import {AfterContentInit, AfterViewInit, Component, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {LecturerInfoService} from 'src/app/services/lecturer-info.service'; import {LecturerDataService} from 'src/app/services/lecturer-data.service'; import {LecturerViewService} from 'src/app/services/lecturer-view.service'; import {Router} from '@angular/router'; import {QuestionDao} from 'src/app/dao/question.dao'; import {OmpClassDao} from 'src/app/dao/omp-class.dao'; import {MinutePaperDao} from 'src/app/dao/minute-paper.dao'; import {MinutePaperWrapperDao} from 'src/app/dao/minute-paper-wrapper.dao'; import {NgForm} from '@angular/forms'; @Component({ selector: 'app-lecturer-create-omp-view', templateUrl: './lecturer-create-omp-view.component.html', styleUrls: ['./lecturer-create-omp-view.component.css'] }) export class LecturerCreateOmpViewComponent implements OnInit, AfterContentInit, OnDestroy { private lecturerId: string; public isTemplate: Boolean; public questions: QuestionDao[]; public classes: OmpClassDao[]; public templates: MinutePaperWrapperDao[]; public paperName: String; public paperTopic: String; public isAnonymous: Boolean; public currentClass: OmpClassDao; public currentTemplate: MinutePaperWrapperDao; public nameInvalid: Boolean; public topicInvalid: Boolean; public isSubmitted: Boolean; public noQuestions: Boolean; public invalidQuestions: Boolean; @ViewChild('infoForm') public infoForm: NgForm; constructor(private lecturerInfoService: LecturerInfoService, private lecturerDataService: LecturerDataService, private lecturerViewService: LecturerViewService, private router: Router) { } ngOnInit(): void { this.lecturerId = sessionStorage.getItem('username'); this.questions = []; this.classes = []; this.templates = []; this.nameInvalid = false; this.topicInvalid = false; this.isSubmitted = false; this.noQuestions = false; this.invalidQuestions = false; } ngAfterContentInit(): void { this.initialiseForms(); } ngOnDestroy(): void { this.questions = []; this.classes = []; this.templates = []; } private getClasses(): void { this.lecturerInfoService.getLecturerClasses(this.lecturerId) .subscribe((data: OmpClassDao[]) => data.forEach(e => { this.classes.push(e); this.currentClass = this.classes[0]; })); } private initialiseForms(): void { this.isTemplate = this.lecturerDataService.isTemplate; if (this.isTemplate) { this.lecturerViewService.changeToCreateTemplate(true); } else { this.lecturerViewService.changeToCreatePaper(true); } if (this.isTemplate) { this.classes.push(new OmpClassDao('NO_CLASS', '0', '', '')); } else { this.getClasses(); } this.getTemplates(); this.templates.push(new MinutePaperWrapperDao(new MinutePaperDao('-1', '', 'NO_CLASS', 'No Template', '', true, true, '0000-00-00'), [])); this.resetForm(); } private createWrapperObject() { const paper = new MinutePaperDao('0', this.lecturerId, this.currentClass.classCode, this.paperName, this.paperTopic, this.isTemplate, this.isAnonymous, '0000-00-00'); return new MinutePaperWrapperDao(paper, this.questions); } private getTemplates() { this.lecturerInfoService.getTemplates(this.lecturerId) .subscribe((data: MinutePaperWrapperDao[]) => data.forEach(e => {this.templates.push(e); })); } private findClass(classCode: String) { for (const ompclass of this.classes) { if (ompclass.classCode === classCode) { this.currentClass = ompclass; } } } private resetValidation() { this.infoForm.controls.nameBox.reset(''); this.infoForm.controls.topicBox.reset(''); this.nameInvalid = false; this.topicInvalid = false; this.invalidQuestions = false; } private resetForm() { this.questions = []; this.addQuestion(); this.isAnonymous = false; this.paperName = ''; this.paperTopic = ''; this.currentClass = this.classes[0]; this.currentTemplate = this.templates[0]; this.isSubmitted = false; } private validateForm(): Boolean { if (this.questions.length === 0) { this.noQuestions = true; } this.invalidQuestions = this.validateQuestions(); this.nameInvalid = this.empty(this.paperName); this.topicInvalid = this.empty(this.paperTopic); return !(this.nameInvalid || this.topicInvalid || this.noQuestions || this.invalidQuestions); } private validateQuestions(): Boolean { let result = false; this.questions.forEach(q => { if (this.empty(q.questionText)) { result = true; } }); return result; } private getCurrentTemplate() { this.questions = []; this.currentTemplate.questions.forEach(question => { this.questions.push(question); }); this.questions.forEach(question => { question.questionId = '0'; question.paperId = '0'; }); this.isAnonymous = this.currentTemplate.paper.anonymous; this.paperName =; this.paperTopic = this.currentTemplate.paper.topic; this.findClass(this.currentTemplate.paper.classCode); } private empty(text: String): Boolean { if (text === null || text.replace(/\s/g, '').length === 0 || text === '') { return true; } return false; } public setTemplate() { if (this.currentTemplate.paper.paperId !== '-1' ) { this.validateForm(); if (!this.nameInvalid || !this.topicInvalid || !this.invalidQuestions) { const choice = confirm('Are you sure you want to load the template?\n' + 'All current work will be lost!'); if (choice) { this.getCurrentTemplate(); } } else { this.getCurrentTemplate(); } this.validateForm(); } } public createPaper(): void { this.isSubmitted = true; if (this.validateForm()) { this.lecturerInfoService.createPaper(this.createWrapperObject()).subscribe(() => { this.router.navigate(['/ldashboard']); this.ngOnDestroy(); }); } } public createTemplate(): void { this.isSubmitted = true; if (this.validateForm()) { this.lecturerInfoService.createTemplate(this.createWrapperObject()).subscribe(() => { this.router.navigate(['/ldashboard']); this.ngOnDestroy(); }); } } public reset() { if (!this.nameInvalid || !this.topicInvalid || !this.invalidQuestions) { const choice = confirm('Are you sure you want to reset the form?\n' + 'All current work will be lost!'); if (choice) { this.resetForm(); this.resetValidation(); } } else { this.resetForm(); this.resetValidation(); } } public cancel() { if (!this.nameInvalid || !this.topicInvalid || !this.invalidQuestions) { const choice = confirm('Are you sure you want to cancel?\n' + 'Returning to the dashboard will result in all current work being lost!'); if (choice) { this.router.navigate(['/ldashboard']); this.ngOnDestroy(); } } else { this.router.navigate(['/ldashboard']); this.ngOnDestroy(); } } public flipIsAnonymous(): void { this.isAnonymous = !this.isAnonymous; } public addQuestion(): void { this.questions.push(new QuestionDao('0', '0', '')); this.noQuestions = false; this.invalidQuestions = this.validateQuestions(); } public removeQuestion(index: number): void { this.questions.splice(index, 1); } }