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Callum Inglis authoredCallum Inglis authored
ESP8266_Transmitter.ino 18.90 KiB
/* =========================================================================================
* CS408 Environmental Monitoring Independent of Existing Infrastructure
* Copyright (C) 2021 Callum Inglis
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Contact: Callum.Inglis.2018(at)
* =========================================================================================
* Libraries Used
* ArduinoJson v6 Library - (
* LoRa Library - (
* SHTSensor - (
* =========================================================================================
* Add board to Arduino IDE -
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LoRa.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
/* #include <base64.h> */
#include "SHTSensor.h"
// Debug / Polling / Transmitting Config
#define DEBUG 1
#define MIN_RAND_DELAY 500 // ms
#define MAX_RAND_DELAY 1250 // ms
#define MAX_TRANSMISSION_RETRIES 5 // No. Retries before recordings new values then retry
#define TX_RESERVATION_TIME 1 // How long do we require use of TX for sending packets? (Seconds)
// Variable Values - May be updated by Gateway
int TX_AFTER_N_READINGS = 4; // No. of samples, after which Transmit Avg Readings
int POLLING_FREQUENCY = 30000; // ms Take value every POLLING_FREQUENCY ms
int pollEventCount = 0; // Number of times data has been sampled in this recording period
// Lora Config
#define ss 16 // Physical Pin 16 = D0 (Default is Physical Pin 5)
#define rst 0
#define dio0 15 // Physical Pin 15 = D8 (Default is Physical Pin 4)
static const int loraSpreadingFactor = 7;
static const int loraSignalBandwidth = 125E3;
static const int loraFrequency = 433E6;
// Serial PMS Config
static const int RXPin = 4, TXPin = 3;
// Temp / Humidity Sensor
SHTSensor sht;
// Particle Sensor Serial
SoftwareSerial pmsSerial(2, 3);
// LoRa Message Tracking
String sensorID = "";
byte localAddress = 0xBB;
byte destination = 0xFF;
uint32_t msgCount = 0;
double temperature; // Sensor Values - Temp
double humidity; // Sensor Values - Humidity
double co2; // Sensor Values - Co2
uint32_t ppm10; // Sensor Values - Particulate
uint32_t ppm25; // Sensor Values - Particulate
uint32_t ppm100; // Sensor Values - Particulate
// Partial Sensor Data
struct pms5003data {
uint16_t framelen;
uint16_t pm10_standard, pm25_standard, pm100_standard;
uint16_t pm10_env, pm25_env, pm100_env;
uint16_t particles_03um, particles_05um, particles_10um, particles_25um, particles_50um, particles_100um;
uint16_t unused;
uint16_t checksum;
struct pms5003data data;
* Setup Humidity / Temperature Sensor
bool setupSHT() {
if (!sht.init()) {
Serial.println("[-] SHT Init Failed");
return false;
return true;
double getTemperature() {
double t = -1;
if (sht.readSample()) {
t = sht.getTemperature();
return t; // -1 on error
double getHumidity() {
double h = -1;
if (sht.readSample()) {
h = sht.getHumidity();
return h; // -1 on error
* TODO getCo2()
double getCo2() {
return 0;
void resetCounters() {
ppm10 = 0;
ppm25 = 0;
ppm100 = 0;
temperature = 0;
humidity = 0;
pollEventCount = 0;
bool setupLoRa() {
LoRa.setPins(ss, rst, dio0);
if (!LoRa.begin(loraFrequency)) {
Serial.println("[-] Fatal. Starting LoRa failed!");
return false;
Serial.println("[+] LoRa Initialized OK!");
return true;
* Return ESP Module ID, based on MAC address
* Source:
* 2021-11-07 - This method proved unreliable, switched to casting ESP.getChipID() as a string instead
String getSensorUID() {
String sensorID = "EMIEI-"; // [E]nviornmental [M]onitoring [I]ndepenet of [E]xisting [I]nfrastructure
return sensorID;
* Get data from PMS Partical Sensor
* @param Stream s PMS Serial Connection
* @modifies struct data PMS Sensor Data
* @returns boolean Data Read Success status
boolean readPMSdata(Stream *s) {
if (!s->available()) {
return false;
// Read a byte at a time until we get to the special '0x42' start-byte
if (s->peek() != 0x42) {
return false;
// Now read all 32 bytes
if (s->available() < 32) {
return false;
uint8_t buffer[32];
uint32_t sum = 0;
s->readBytes(buffer, 32);
// get checksum ready
for (uint8_t i=0; i<30; i++) {
sum += buffer[i];
// The data comes in endian'd, this solves it so it works on all platforms
uint16_t buffer_u16[15];
for (uint8_t i=0; i<15; i++) {
buffer_u16[i] = buffer[2 + i*2 + 1];
buffer_u16[i] += (buffer[2 + i*2] << 8);
// Struct it
memcpy((void *)&data, (void *)buffer_u16, 30);
if (sum != data.checksum) {
Serial.print("\n Checksum failure... ");
Serial.print("Expected: "); Serial.print(sum);
Serial.print(", Got: "); Serial.print(data.checksum);
return false;
return true;
* Provided sensor data, construct JSON object ready for transmission, Averaged over numSamples
* @param messageID
* @param numSamples Numer of samples averages
* @param avgPpm10 Average Particuate readings
* @param avgPpm25 Average Particuate readings
* @param avgPpm100 Average Particuate readings
* @param avgTemperature Average Temperature
* @param avgHumidity Average Humidity
* @param avgCo2 Average Co2
* @return DynamicJsonDocument sensorData
DynamicJsonDocument prepareSensorData(int messageID, int numSamples, uint32_t avgPpm10, uint32_t avgPpm25, uint32_t avgPpm100, double avgTemperature, double avgHumidity, double avgCo2) {
DynamicJsonDocument doc(2048);
JsonObject metadata = doc.createNestedObject("sensorMetadata");
metadata["uid"] = getSensorUID();
metadata["messageID"] = messageID;
metadata["samplePeriod"] = numSamples;
JsonObject data = doc.createNestedObject("data");
JsonObject ppm = data.createNestedObject("ppm"); // Particulates
ppm["p10"] = avgPpm10;
ppm["p25"] = avgPpm25;
ppm["p100"] = avgPpm100;
JsonObject sht = data.createNestedObject("sht"); // Temp, Humidity
sht["temperature"] = avgTemperature;
sht["humidity"] = avgHumidity;
JsonObject co2 = data.createNestedObject("co2"); // TODO Co2
co2["tmp"] = avgCo2;
return doc;
* Listen on Lora for other messages, returns true if no messages detected within [listenDuration] seconds
* Use prior to transmissions to avoid interruption of other messages
* @param int listenDuration How long to listen on Lora RX in Seconds
* @returns boolean If messages detected within listenDuration
boolean clearToSend(int listenDuration) {
int listenUntil = now() + listenDuration;
// Listen until timeout expires
while (listenUntil >= now()) {
int packetSize = LoRa.parsePacket();
if (packetSize) {
Serial.println("[-] TX Busy - Not Clear To Send");
return false; // Other message heard on Rx, infer that we can not transmit just now.
return true; // We didn't hear anything, so continue
// Introduce random delay to avoid another collision
void waitRandomDelay(int minSeconds = 0) {
int randDelay = (minSeconds * 1000) + random(MIN_RAND_DELAY, MAX_RAND_DELAY);
if (DEBUG){
Serial.println("[i] Delay for " + String(randDelay) + "ms");
* Send short "clear to send?" packet
* Tx - "I've got data to send!" + UID
* @param messageID ID of this message / sample period
void sendTxHello(int messageID) {
Serial.println("[+] Transmit - \"Hello\"");
DynamicJsonDocument txHello(2048);
txHello["uid"] = getSensorUID();
txHello["reservationTime"] = TX_RESERVATION_TIME;
txHello["messageID"] = messageID;
* Send Payload
* Tx - Sensor Payload
* @param payload JSON Payload to be sent
void sendTxPayload(DynamicJsonDocument payload) {
Serial.println("[+] Transmit - Payload");
* Listen for messages on TX, expecting JSON
* @param listenDuration How long to listen on Lora RX in Seconds
* @return StaticJsonDocument|null RX Payload in JSON, null on timeout reached or error
StaticJsonDocument<1024> listenForAndConsumeMessage(int listenDuration) {
int listenUntil = now() + listenDuration;
StaticJsonDocument<1024> json;
// Listen until timeout expires
while (listenUntil >= now()) {
int packetSize = LoRa.parsePacket();
if (!packetSize) {
// Read in packet, ensure we only bring in anything after { and before } inclusive
String incoming = "";
char temp;
while (LoRa.available()) {
temp = (char);
if (incoming.length() == 0 && temp == '{') { // Opening {
incoming = "{";
} else if (temp == '}') { // Closing }
} else if (incoming.length() > 0) { // Anything else that's valid
// Deserialize - TODO Error Handling
deserializeJson(json, incoming);
return json;
* Listen for response to TxHello for [listenDuration] seconds, check Sensor UID & Message ID match and return true if we have clear to transmit payload.
* @param listenDuration How long to listen on Lora RX in Seconds
* @param messageID ID of message we are expecting to receive
* @return boolean Clear to Transmit
boolean listenForTxHelloAccept(int listenDuration, int messageID) {
Serial.println("[+] Transmit - \"Hello\" - Listening for \"Hello\" Ack & Clear to Send");
StaticJsonDocument<1024> json = listenForAndConsumeMessage(listenDuration);
// Timeout, likely TX Hello was not recieved or ack got lost
if (json.isNull()) {
Serial.println("[-] Transmit - \"Hello\" - Timeout while waiting for Clear to Send\n\n");
return false;
const bool okToTransmit = json["okTransmit"];
const String authIsForUid = json["uid"];
const int authIsForMessageID = json["messageID"];
const String gatewayUid = json["gatewayUid"];
// Verify txHello.okTransmit is True and Sensor UID & Message IDs Match
if (DEBUG) {
if (authIsForUid == getSensorUID()) {
Serial.println("[+] Transmit - \"Hello\" - Sensor UID Match!");
} else {
Serial.println("[-] Transmit - \"Hello\" - Sensor UID Mis-Match! " + String(authIsForUid) + " vs " + String(getSensorUID()));
if (authIsForMessageID == messageID) {
Serial.println("[+] Transmit - \"Hello\" - Message ID Match!");
} else {
Serial.println("[-] Transmit - \"Hello\" - MessageID Mis-Match!");
// Ok To Trasmit, Sensor UID Match & Message ID Match
bool clearToSend = (okToTransmit
&& authIsForUid == getSensorUID()
&& authIsForMessageID == messageID);
if (DEBUG) {
if (clearToSend) {
Serial.println("[+] Transmit - \"Hello\" - Recieved \"Clear to Transmit\" Payload");
} else {
Serial.println("[-] Transmit - \"Hello\" - Can Not Transmit At This Time");
return clearToSend;
boolean listenForTxPayloadAccept(int listenDuration, int messageID) {
Serial.println("[.] Transmit - Payload - Listening for Ack");
StaticJsonDocument<1024> json = listenForAndConsumeMessage(listenDuration);
// Timeout, likely TX Payload was not recieved or ack got lost.
if (json.isNull()) {
Serial.println("[-] Transmit - Payload - Ack Timeout Reached - Assuming Message Was Not Delivered\n\n");
return false;
const bool ackStatus = json["ackStatus"];
const String authIsForUid = json["uid"];
const int authIsForMessageID = json["replyMsgID"];
const String gatewayUid = json["gatewayUid"];
// Verify Sensor UID Match
if (authIsForUid == getSensorUID()
&& authIsForMessageID == messageID) {
Serial.println("[+] Transmit - Payload - Ack Recieved: " + String(ackStatus) + "\n");
if (ackStatus) { // It all worked :)
// Check for any updated config values
const int newTxAfterNReadings = json["txAfterNReadings"];
if (newTxAfterNReadings != NULL && newTxAfterNReadings != TX_AFTER_N_READINGS) {
TX_AFTER_N_READINGS = newTxAfterNReadings;
Serial.println("[+] Tx After N Readings Updated, now: " + String(TX_AFTER_N_READINGS) + " samples");
const int newPollingFrequency = json["pollingFrequency"];
if (newPollingFrequency != NULL && newPollingFrequency != POLLING_FREQUENCY) {
POLLING_FREQUENCY = newPollingFrequency;
Serial.println("[+] Polling Frequency Updated, now: " + String(POLLING_FREQUENCY) + "ms");
return true;
// TODO Retransmit, recover, etc
Serial.println("[-] Transmit - Payload - Ack Failed - TODO Setup Retransmission");
return false;
// TODO Else UID Mis-Match so we wait for next message
Serial.println("[-] Transmit - Payload - Ack Message ID or Sensor ID Mis-Match");
return false;
* Send JSON Payload over LoRa
* @param payload JSON Payload to be send
void sendJsonPayloadWithLoRa(DynamicJsonDocument payload) {
serializeJson(payload, LoRa);
// TODO - Finish Acks & Naks
boolean transmitData(DynamicJsonDocument payload) {
// Listen for other communication
// Rx - Listen for other messages, if no messages heard then continue
if (!clearToSend(0.5)) {
waitRandomDelay(); // Wait for short time before retrying
while (!clearToSend(0.5)) { waitRandomDelay(); } // TODO MAX_TIMEOUT
// Send TX Hello
// Await TX Hello Auth - Expect: Timeout | Not Auth | Accept + Clear To Transmit
if (!listenForTxHelloAccept(TX_RESERVATION_TIME * 4, msgCount)) {
return false; // Can't transmit just now, we will retry
// Send TX Payload
// Await TX Payload Ack - Expect: Timeout | Nack | Accept + Data Match
if (!listenForTxPayloadAccept(2, msgCount)) {
return false; // TODO Ack Failed Setup a retry here!
// TODO Update Sensor Config
// TODO Clear values & Continue
Serial.println("Packet Sent Succesfully\n");
return true;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // Console Debug
Serial.println("\n\n[+] Transmitter Node");
pmsSerial.begin(9600); // Partical Sensor
// Setup Hardware
if (!setupSHT()) { while(1); } // Temp/Humidity - Die on Error
if (!setupLoRa()) { while(1); } // Die on error
// Main
void loop() {
// TODO Gather Sensor Data
// Error reading PMS Data, ignore on this round
if (!readPMSdata(&pmsSerial)) {
data.pm10_standard = 0;
data.pm25_standard = 0;
data.pm100_standard = 0;
if (DEBUG) {
Serial.print(String(pollEventCount) + ") ");
Serial.print("PM 1.0: "); Serial.print(data.pm10_standard);
Serial.print("\t\tPM 2.5: "); Serial.print(data.pm25_standard);
Serial.print("\t\tPM 10: "); Serial.print(data.pm100_standard);
Serial.print("\t\tTemp: "); Serial.print(getTemperature());
Serial.print("\t\tHumidity: "); Serial.print(getHumidity());
Serial.print("\t\tCo2: "); Serial.print(getCo2());
// Add to Average
temperature += getTemperature();
humidity += getHumidity();
co2 += getCo2();
ppm10 = ppm10 + data.pm10_standard; // Standard (_standard) or Environmental (_env) readings for Particulate Data
ppm25 = ppm25 + data.pm25_standard;
ppm100 = ppm100 + data.pm100_standard;
// If we should now transmit
if (pollEventCount >= TX_AFTER_N_READINGS) {
// Average Values over recording period
double avgTemperature = temperature / pollEventCount;
double avgHumidity = humidity / pollEventCount;
double avgCo2 = co2 / pollEventCount;
uint32_t avgPpm10 = ppm10 / pollEventCount;
uint32_t avgPpm25 = ppm25 / pollEventCount;
uint32_t avgPpm100 = ppm100 / pollEventCount;
if (DEBUG) {
Serial.print("Avg ppm10: "); Serial.print(avgPpm10);
Serial.print("\t\tAvg ppm25: "); Serial.print(avgPpm25);
Serial.print("\t\tAvg ppm100: "); Serial.print(avgPpm100);
Serial.print("\t\tAvg Temp: "); Serial.print(avgTemperature);
Serial.print("\t\tAvg Humidity: "); Serial.print(avgHumidity);
Serial.print("\t\tAvg Co2: "); Serial.print(avgCo2);
Serial.print("\t\tChip ID: "); Serial.println(getSensorUID());
// Prepare Data For Send
DynamicJsonDocument sensorData = prepareSensorData(msgCount, pollEventCount, avgPpm10, avgPpm25, avgPpm100, avgTemperature, avgHumidity, avgCo2);
// Transmit
if (transmitData(sensorData)) {
return; // It all worked, values reset, now record new values
// Transmission failed, handle re-tries
int numRetries = 1;
waitRandomDelay(TX_RESERVATION_TIME*2); // Introduce random delay to avoid another collision
while (!transmitData(sensorData) && numRetries < MAX_TRANSMISSION_RETRIES){
Serial.println("[-] Failed to send packet, retrying. Attempt " + String(numRetries) + " of " + String(MAX_TRANSMISSION_RETRIES) + "\n");
waitRandomDelay(TX_RESERVATION_TIME*2); // Introduce random delay to avoid another collision
// We were able to transmit after retries, values reset, now record new values
// Failed to transmit - Don't Clear Counters, record more values then try to retransmit on next send
Serial.println("[-] Failed to send packet, max retries reached. Aborting");