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package com.notificationFramework.sedentary.frontEnd;

import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.Toast;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import static com.notificationFramework.sedentary.frontEnd.SaveFile.getPlaces;

 * Created by Peter De Jonckheere on 19/06/2018.

public class DataAnalysis {

    static boolean analyse(String line, Calendar cal, Context context) {
        Calendar compCal = Calendar.getInstance();
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEMMMddHH:mm:sszyyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);
        String items[] = line.split(" ");
        String dateString = items[0] + items[1] + items[2] + items[3] + items[4] + items[5];
        try {
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            Log.e("ANALYSING", "PARSINGERROR");
        compCal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -6);
        if (compCal.before(cal.getTime())) {
            NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
            try {
            } catch(NullPointerException e){

            Intent i = new Intent("FEEDBACKFILTER");
            final LocalBroadcastManager lbm = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(context.getApplicationContext());
            BroadcastReceiver feedback = new BroadcastReceiver() {
                public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
                    Log.d("FEEDBACK STIM", "EHH HELP");
                    SharedPreferences shared =
                            context.getSharedPreferences(context.getString(R.string.preference_file_key), Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
                    if ((checkTime(shared, context)) && (shared.getBoolean(context.getString(R.string.notf_switch), true))) {
                        Intent i = new Intent(context.getApplicationContext(),

                 * Checks the current time against the do not disturb time by first checking if the time spans 2
                 * days, then checking between the first time and midnight, then midnight and the second time,
                 * followed finally by the simple check between the two times if the time does not span 2 days.
                 * It is done in this way to avoid compications with date changes as each time is obtained using
                 * the current calendar as a template so if done correctly dates should not need to be changed.
                 * @param shared  the SharedPreferences instance set up in the onReceive() method
                 * @param context the application context which this method has been called from
                 * @return false if the time is within the do not disturb period and so a notification should
                 * not be sent, true if a notification should be sent
                private boolean checkTime(SharedPreferences shared, Context context) {
                    Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance();
                    start.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, shared.getInt(context.getString(R.string.dnd_shour), 23));
                    start.set(Calendar.MINUTE, shared.getInt(context.getString(R.string.dnd_smin), 0));
                    Calendar midnightCal = Calendar.getInstance();
                    midnightCal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);
                    midnightCal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
                    midnightCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59);
                    Calendar end = Calendar.getInstance();
                    end.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, shared.getInt(context.getString(R.string.dnd_ehour), 9));
                    end.set(Calendar.MINUTE, shared.getInt(context.getString(R.string.dnd_emin), 0));
                    Calendar curCal = Calendar.getInstance();
                    if (shared.getInt(context.getString(R.string.dnd_shour), 23) > shared.getInt(context.getString(R.string.dnd_ehour), 9)) {
                        if (curCal.getTime().after(start.getTime()) && curCal.getTime().before(midnightCal.getTime())) {
                            return false;
                        } else {
                            midnightCal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
                            midnightCal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
                            midnightCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 1);
                            if (curCal.getTime().after(midnightCal.getTime()) && curCal.getTime().before(end.getTime())) {
                                return false;
                            } else {
                                return true;
                    } else if (curCal.getTime().after(start.getTime()) && curCal.getTime().before(end.getTime())) {
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        return true;
            lbm.registerReceiver(feedback, new IntentFilter("FEEDBACKFILTER"));
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    private static void logAcknowledgement(Context context) {
        SharedPreferences sharedPref = context.getSharedPreferences(context.getString(R.string.preference_file_key), Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        int totalAck = sharedPref.getInt(context.getString(R.string.ack_total), 0);
        int ackDays = sharedPref.getInt(context.getString(R.string.ack_days), 1);
        float avgAck = 0;
        int currentDay = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit();;
        if (currentDay != sharedPref.getInt(context.getString(R.string.progress_day), 0)) {
            avgAck = totalAck / ackDays;
            editor.putInt(context.getString(R.string.progress_day), currentDay);
        editor.putInt(context.getString(R.string.ack_total), totalAck);
        editor.putInt(context.getString(R.string.ack_days), ackDays);
        editor.putFloat(context.getString(R.string.avg_ack), avgAck);

     static void placeAnalysis(Context context){
        SharedPreferences preferences = context.getSharedPreferences(context.getString(R.string.preference_file_key), Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        int acknowledged = preferences.getInt(context.getString(R.string.store_last_ack), 0);
        List<Place> places = SaveFile.getPlaces(context);
        Object[] sortedPlaces = (quicksort(places.toArray(), 0, places.size()-1));
        int popularType = getPopularElement(sortedPlaces);
        SaveFile.writePopularType(context, popularType, acknowledged);
        int mostPopular = SaveFile.findMostPopularType(context);
        Toast.makeText(context, String.valueOf(mostPopular), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();
        editor.putInt(context.getString(R.string.store_mcp), mostPopular);

     private static Object[] quicksort(Object[] array, int low, int high) {
         if (low < high) {
             int p = partition(array, low, high);
             quicksort(array, low, p - 1);
             quicksort(array, p + 1, high);
         return array;

     private static int partition(Object[] array, int low, int high){
        int pivot = ((Place) array[high]).getType();
        int i = low - 1;
        for(int j = low; j < high - 1; j++){
            if(((Place)array[j]).getType() < pivot){
                Place swap = ((Place)array[j]);
                array[j] = array[i];
                array[i] = swap;
        Place swap = ((Place) array[i+1]);
        array[i+1] = array[high];
        array[high] = swap;
        return i+1;

    private static int getPopularElement(Object[] a)
        int count = 1;
        int tempCount;
        int popular = ((Place)a[0]).getType();
        int temp;
        for (int i = 0; i < (a.length - 1); i++)
            temp = ((Place)a[i]).getType();
            tempCount = 0;
            for (int j = 1; j < a.length; j++)
                if (temp == ((Place)a[j]).getType())
            if (tempCount > count)
                popular = temp;
                count = tempCount;
        return popular;