FULLPROP.tex 165.24 KiB
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\newcommand\projtitle{Deep quantum compilation using the ZX-calculus}
\title{QuantERA Full Proposal}
{\Huge \projacro :}\\[1ex]
{\LARGE \projtitle }
%\textit{Title page will be replaced with file Front-Page\\
%\oldt{Text from previous proposal in blue}}
%\newt{/ Very recent revisions for the new proposal are in violet}
\REM{\textbf{Everything below this needs to fit under 4000
characters for the online submission system}}
\paragraph{Duration:} 36 months
\section*{Summary of the project}
%currently 2510 characters
\REM{(publishable abstract, max. 1/2 page): Be precise and
concise. This summary will be used to select suited reviewers for
the proposal.}
We propose the development of ``deep quantum compilation" technology. This is the concept of a compiler for quantum systems which can be used to develop large portions of the software stack, in a way which is modular in design but tightly integrated once compiled. We propose to develop deep quantum compilation technology by leveraging the \zxcalculus, a versatile formal tool to efficiently reason about tensors, which recently demonstrated state-of-the-art capability to optimise unitary circuits. The graphical \zxcalculus has recently also be shown to be complete: all equations that hold in standard quantum theory can be derived in \zxcalculus. This provides us with the opportunity to develop compiler technology with a scope that would be difficult to achieve otherwise.
Recent investment in quantum technologies has brought us into the era of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. These computers are patchworks of components (including classical) that vary greatly between implementations such as silicon qubits, superconducting circuits, or ion traps. As the technology matures into the fault-tolerant regime, quantum computers will continue to be accompanied by a myriad of control systems, and a scarcity of resources. Programming such devices currently requires intimate knowledge of the hardware, and programs must be rewritten for every new device to closely match the hardware model. Any optimisation is purely ad-hoc. We face a situation where the ever-multiplying range of quantum computers has minimal software support.
Solving this problem requires a ``deep" quantum compiler -- one which can transform algorithms to match the resources and capabilities of diverse hardware platforms. Recent formal and practical advances in completeness and optimisation of the \zxcalculus demonstrate a proof-of-principle of the possibility of developing a deep quantum compiler, including provably-correct program transformations for automatically adding error correction and performing hardware-guided optimisations. We will target the compilation stack for three of the most promising hardware platforms, and develop the techniques and software tools to build a deep compiler. In addition, leveraging the foundational expressiveness of the calculus, we will isolate specific resources that give rise to quantum processing, providing in-compiler certification of quantum speed-up. Developing a ``deep" compiler will allow for the sound development of tightly integrated software stacks for quantum computers, becoming a standard for optimisation and benchmarking, and enabling quantum devices to perform computations demonstrably better and faster.
%The goal of this project is to develop the flexible intermediate for compilation and optimisation, which is necessary for the immediate-term practical implementation of post-classical protocols on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. %how many buzzwords can we get in this sentence
\REM{ OLDTEXT This project introduces \azx, a flexible intermediate language for
quantum computation, which removes this obstacle by providing a
common interface between the software and the hardware. This
intermediate language will be versatile enough to target a wide
variety of hardware implementations, and simple enough to support
any programming language. Further, \azx will expose a formal