External User dhorsman authoredExternal User dhorsman authored
pgfgantt.sty 41.59 KiB
%% This is file `pgfgantt.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% pgfgantt.dtx (with options: `pgfgantt')
%% Copyright (C) 2013 by Wolfgang Skala
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
\ProvidesPackage{pgfgantt}[2013/06/01 v4.0 Draw Gantt diagrams with TikZ]
arrows, backgrounds, calc,%
patterns, positioning, shapes.geometric%
\@gtt@stylekeydef{hgrid style}{dotted}
\foreach \i in {1,...,#1} {%
\gtt@lasttitleline * \ganttvalueof{y unit title} +%
(\gtt@currgrid - \gtt@lasttitleline)%
* \ganttvalueof{y unit chart}%
\draw [#2]
(0pt, \y@upper pt) --
(\gtt@chartwidth * \ganttvalueof{x unit}, \y@upper pt);%
\global\advance\gtt@currgrid by-1\relax%
\foreach \i in {1,...,#1} {%
\draw [#2]
(\gtt@currgrid * \ganttvalueof{x unit}, \y@upper pt) --%
(\gtt@currgrid * \ganttvalueof{x unit}, \y@lower pt);%
\global\advance\gtt@currgrid by1\relax%
\advance\@tempcnta by-\gtt@startyear\relax%
\multiply\@tempcnta by12\relax%
\advance\@tempcnta by\@tempb\relax%
\advance\@tempcnta by-\gtt@startmonth\relax%
\advance\@tempcnta by1\relax%
\advance\@tempcnta by-\gtt@startjulian\relax%
\advance\@tempcnta by1\relax%
\expandafter\def\csname gtt@tsstojulian@#1\endcsname##1##2{%
\advance#2 by\gtt@tsf@startjulian\relax%
\advance#2 by-1\relax%
\@gtt@PackageError{Illegal time slot specifier `#1'.}%
time slot format/.code={%
Time slot format `#1' undefined.%
\csname gtt@tsstojulian@#1\endcsname%
time slot format=simple,%
time slot format/base century/.code={%
\divide\@tempcnta by100\relax%
time slot format/base century=2000,%
time slot format/start date/.code={%
time slot format/start date=2000-01-01%
\@gtt@keydef{x unit}{.5cm}
\@gtt@keydef{y unit title}{1cm}
\@gtt@keydef{y unit chart}{1cm}
\@gtt@stylekeydef{canvas}{shape=rectangle, draw, fill=white}
\@gtt@keydef{today offset}{1}
\@gtt@stylekeydef{today rule}{dashed, line width=1pt}
\@gtt@keydef{today label}{TODAY}
\@gtt@keydef{today label font}{\normalfont}
\@gtt@stylekeydef{today label node}{%
anchor=north, font=\ganttvalueof{today label font}%
newline shortcut/.is if=gtt@newlineshortcut,%
newline shortcut=true%
\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\gtt@lasttitleline * \ganttvalueof{y unit title}%
\gtt@lasttitleline * \ganttvalueof{y unit title}%
+ (\gtt@currentline - \gtt@lasttitleline - 1)%
* \ganttvalueof{y unit chart}%
(\y@upper + \y@lower) / 2%
abs(\y@lower - \y@upper)%
\gtt@chartwidth * \ganttvalueof{x unit}%
\node [/pgfgantt/canvas, minimum width=\x@size pt,
minimum height=\y@size pt]
at (\x@size pt / 2, \y@mid pt) {};%
\gtt@lasttitleline * \ganttvalueof{y unit title}%
\global\advance\gtt@chartwidth by-1\relax%
\foreach \x in {1,...,\gtt@chartwidth} {%
\global\advance\gtt@chartwidth by1\relax%
\advance\gtt@currgrid by-1\relax
\foreach \t in {\@tempa,...,\gtt@currentline} {%
(\gtt@today@slot - 1 + \ganttvalueof{today offset})%
* \ganttvalueof{x unit}%
\draw [/pgfgantt/today rule]
(\x@mid pt, \y@upper pt) -- (\x@mid pt, \y@lower pt)
node [/pgfgantt/today label node] {\ganttvalueof{today label}};%
\def\local@drawarg{/pgfgantt/hgrid style}%
\gtt@lasttitleline * \ganttvalueof{y unit title}%
+ (\gtt@currentline - \gtt@lasttitleline - 1)%
* \ganttvalueof{y unit chart}%
(0pt, \y@upper pt) --
(\gtt@chartwidth * \ganttvalueof{x unit}, \y@upper pt);%
\global\advance\gtt@currentline by-1\relax%
\ifgtt@intitle\global\advance\gtt@lasttitleline by-1\relax\fi%
\@gtt@stylekeydef{title}{shape=rectangle, inner sep=0pt, draw, fill=white}
\@gtt@keydef{title label font}{\small}
\@gtt@stylekeydef{title label node}{%
anchor=center, font=\ganttvalueof{title label font}%
title list options/.code={%
title list options={var=\x, evaluate=\x}%
\@gtt@keydef{title left shift}{0}
\@gtt@keydef{title right shift}{0}
\@gtt@keydef{title top shift}{0}
\@gtt@keydef{title height}{.6}
include title in canvas/.is if=gtt@includetitle,%
include title in canvas
\@gtt@keydef{calendar week text}{Week~\currentweek}
compress calendar/.is if=gtt@compresscalendar,%
compress calendar=false%
(\gtt@lasttitleslot + \ganttvalueof{title left shift})%
* \ganttvalueof{x unit}%
(\gtt@lasttitleslot + #3 + \ganttvalueof{title right shift})%
* \ganttvalueof{x unit}%
(\x@left + \x@right) / 2%
\x@right - \x@left%
(\gtt@currentline - \ganttvalueof{title top shift})%
* \ganttvalueof{y unit title}%
(\gtt@currentline - \ganttvalueof{title top shift}%
- \ganttvalueof{title height}) * \ganttvalueof{y unit title}%
(\y@upper + \y@lower) / 2%
\y@upper - \y@lower%
\path (\x@mid pt, \y@mid pt)
node [/pgfgantt/title, minimum width=\x@size pt,
minimum height=\y@size pt] {}
node [/pgfgantt/title label node] {#2};%
\global\advance\gtt@lasttitleslot by#3\relax%
\expandafter\foreach\gtt@titlelistoptions in {#2} {\gantttitle{\x}{#3}}%
\ifdate{end of month=1}{%
\advance\gtt@calendar@slots by1\relax%
\ifdate{end of month=1}{%
\advance\gtt@calendar@slots by-1\relax%
\advance\gtt@calendar@slots by1\relax%
\advance\gtt@calendar@slots by-1\relax%
\ifdate{end of month=1}{%
\csname pgfcalendarmonth#1\endcsname{\pgfcalendarcurrentmonth}%
\advance\gtt@calendar@slots by1\relax%
\advance\gtt@calendar@slots by-1\relax%
\csname pgfcalendarmonth#1\endcsname{\pgfcalendarcurrentmonth}%
\advance\gtt@calendar@startofweek by1\relax%
\advance\gtt@calendar@startofweek by-\gtt@calendar@slots\relax%
\ganttvalueof{calendar week text}%
\advance\gtt@calendar@weeknumber by1\relax%
\advance\gtt@calendar@slots by1%
\advance\gtt@calendar@slots by-1\relax%
\advance\gtt@calendar@startofweek by1\relax%
\advance\gtt@calendar@startofweek by-\gtt@calendar@slots\relax%
\ganttvalueof{calendar week text}%
\csname pgfcalendarweekday#1\endcsname{\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday}%
progress label text/.code={%
progress label text={%
\pgfmathprintnumber[precision=0, verbatim]{#1}\% complete%
chart element start border/.is choice,%
chart element start border/left/.code=\gtt@ce@startatleftbordertrue,%,
chart element start border/right/.code=\gtt@ce@startatleftborderfalse,%
chart element start border=left%
inline/.is if=gtt@inline,%
(\gtt@left@slot + \local@timeslotmodifier%
+ \ganttvalueof{#5 left shift})%
* \ganttvalueof{x unit}%
(\gtt@right@slot + \ganttvalueof{#5 right shift})%
* \ganttvalueof{x unit}%
(\x@left + \x@right) / 2%
\x@right - \x@left%
\gtt@lasttitleline * \ganttvalueof{y unit title}
+ (\gtt@currentline - \gtt@lasttitleline
- \ganttvalueof{#5 top shift}) * \ganttvalueof{y unit chart}%
\y@upper - \ganttvalueof{#5 height} * \ganttvalueof{y unit chart}%
(\y@upper + \y@lower) / 2%
\y@upper - \y@lower%
Value of today is `none'. Ignoring `progress=today'%
(\gtt@today@slot - \gtt@left@slot - \local@timeslotmodifier)%
/ (\gtt@right@slot - \gtt@left@slot - \local@timeslotmodifier)%
* 100%
\ifdim\gtt@progress pt<0.001pt\relax%
\else\ifdim\gtt@progress pt>99.999pt\relax%
(\gtt@right@slot - \gtt@left@slot - \local@timeslotmodifier)%
* \gtt@progress / 100%
(\gtt@left@slot + \local@timeslotmodifier + \x@clip@size%
+ \ganttvalueof{today offset} - 1) * \ganttvalueof{x unit}%
\clip (\x@left pt - 10cm, \y@upper pt + 10cm) rectangle
(\x@clip pt, \y@lower pt - 10cm);%
\node [/pgfgantt/#5, minimum width=\x@size pt,
minimum height=\y@size pt]
(\gtt@name) at (\x@mid pt, \y@mid pt) {};%
\clip (\x@clip pt, \y@upper pt + 10cm) rectangle
(\x@right pt + 10cm, \y@lower pt - 10cm);%
\node [/pgfgantt/#5 incomplete, minimum width=\x@size pt,
minimum height=\y@size pt]
(\gtt@name) at (\x@mid pt, \y@mid pt) {};%
\ifdim\gtt@progress pt=999pt\relax\else%
\node at (\gtt@name.\ganttvalueof{#5 progress label anchor})
[/pgfgantt/#5 progress label node]
\node at (\gtt@name.\ganttvalueof{#5 inline label anchor})
[/pgfgantt/#5 inline label node]
{\csname gtt@#5labeltext\endcsname{#2}};%
\node at (0, \y@mid pt)
[/pgfgantt/#5 label node]
{\csname gtt@#5labeltext\endcsname{#2}};%
\global\advance\gtt@elementid by1\relax%
\expandafter\newcommand\csname gantt#1\endcsname[3][]{%
\expandafter\newcommand\csname ganttlinked#1\endcsname[3][]{%
\expandafter\newcommand\csname gantt#1\endcsname[4][]{%
\expandafter\newcommand\csname ganttlinked#1\endcsname[4][]{%
\@gtt@stylekeydef{#1}{shape=rectangle, inner sep=0pt, draw, fill=white}%
\@gtt@stylekeydef{#1 incomplete}{/pgfgantt/#1, fill=black!25}%
\@gtt@keydef{#1 label font}{\normalsize}%
\@gtt@stylekeydef{#1 label node}{%
anchor=east, font=\ganttvalueof{#1 label font}%
\@gtt@keydef{#1 inline label anchor}{center}%
\@gtt@stylekeydef{#1 inline label node}{%
anchor=center, font=\ganttvalueof{#1 label font}%
\@gtt@keydef{#1 progress label anchor}{east}%
\@gtt@keydef{#1 progress label font}{\scriptsize}%
\@gtt@stylekeydef{#1 progress label node}{%
anchor=west, font=\ganttvalueof{#1 progress label font}%
\@gtt@keydef{#1 left shift}{0}%
\@gtt@keydef{#1 right shift}{0}%
\@gtt@keydef{#1 top shift}{.3}%
\@gtt@keydef{#1 height}{.4}%
#1 label text/.code={%
\expandafter\def\csname gtt@#1labeltext\endcsname####1{##1}%
#1 label text=\strut##1,%
bar/.style={shape=ganttbar, inner sep=0pt, draw, fill=white},%
bar incomplete/.style={/pgfgantt/bar, fill=black!25},%
bar label text=\strut#1,%
bar label font=\normalsize,%
bar label node/.style={%
anchor=east, font=\ganttvalueof{bar label font}%
bar inline label anchor=center,%
bar inline label node/.style={%
anchor=center, font=\ganttvalueof{bar label font}%
bar progress label anchor=east,%
bar progress label font=\scriptsize,%
bar progress label node/.style={%
anchor=west, font=\ganttvalueof{bar progress label font}%
bar left shift=0,%
bar right shift=0,%
bar top shift=.3,%
bar height=.4%
group/.style={shape=ganttgroup, inner sep=0pt, fill=black},%
group incomplete/.style={/pgfgantt/group, fill=black!25},%
group label text=\strut#1,%
group label font=\bfseries,%
group label node/.style={%
anchor=east, font=\ganttvalueof{group label font}%
group inline label anchor=center,%
group inline label node/.style={%
anchor=south, font=\ganttvalueof{group label font}%
group progress label anchor=east,%
group progress label font=\scriptsize,%
group progress label node/.style={%
anchor=west, font=\ganttvalueof{group progress label font}%
group left shift=-.1,%
group right shift=.1,%
group top shift=.4,%
group height=.2%
\@gtt@keydef{group right peak tip position}{.5}
\@gtt@keydef{group right peak width}{.4}
\@gtt@keydef{group right peak height}{.1}
\@gtt@keydef{group left peak tip position}{.5}
\@gtt@keydef{group left peak width}{.4}
\@gtt@keydef{group left peak height}{.1}
group peaks tip position/.code={%
group left peak tip position=#1,%
group right peak tip position=#1%
group peaks width/.code={%
group left peak width=#1,%
group right peak width=#1%
group peaks height/.code={%
group left peak height=#1,%
group right peak height=#1%
shape=ganttmilestone, inner sep=0pt, draw, fill=black%
milestone incomplete/.style={/pgfgantt/milestone, fill=black!25},%
milestone label text=\strut#1,%
milestone label font=\itshape,%
milestone label node/.style={%
anchor=east, font=\ganttvalueof{milestone label font}%
milestone inline label anchor=center,%
milestone inline label node/.style={%
anchor=south, font=\ganttvalueof{milestone label font}%
milestone progress label anchor=center,%
milestone progress label font=\scriptsize,%
milestone progress label node/.style={%
anchor=west, font=\ganttvalueof{milestone progress label font}%
milestone left shift=.6,%
milestone right shift=.4,%
milestone top shift=.3,%
milestone height=.4%
\@gtt@keydef{on top fraction}{.5}
\@gtt@keydef{on bottom fraction}{.5}
\@gtt@keydef{on left fraction}{.5}
\@gtt@keydef{on right fraction}{.5}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{mid west}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{base west}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north west}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south west}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{mid east}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{base east}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north east}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south east}
\anchor{on top}{
\advance\pgf@xb by-\pgf@xa
\pgf@xb=\ganttvalueof{on top fraction}\pgf@xb
\advance\pgf@xa by\pgf@xb
\anchor{on bottom}{
\advance\pgf@xb by-\pgf@xa
\pgf@xb=\ganttvalueof{on bottom fraction}\pgf@xb
\advance\pgf@xa by\pgf@xb
\anchor{on left}{
\advance\pgf@yb by-\pgf@ya
\pgf@yb=\ganttvalueof{on left fraction}\pgf@yb
\advance\pgf@ya by\pgf@yb
\anchor{on right}{
\advance\pgf@yb by-\pgf@ya
\pgf@yb=\ganttvalueof{on right fraction}\pgf@yb
\advance\pgf@ya by\pgf@yb
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{mid west}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{base west}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north west}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south west}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{mid east}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{base east}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north east}
\inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south east}
\inheritanchor[from=ganttbar]{on top}
\inheritanchor[from=ganttbar]{on bottom}
\inheritanchor[from=ganttbar]{on left}
\inheritanchor[from=ganttbar]{on right}
\anchor{left peak}{
{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer xsep}}%
{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer ysep}}
\pgf@x + \ganttvalueof{group left peak tip position}
* \ganttvalueof{group left peak width} * \ganttvalueof{x unit}
\pgf@y - \ganttvalueof{group left peak height}
* \ganttvalueof{y unit chart}
\anchor{right peak}{
{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer xsep}}%
{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer ysep}}
{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer xsep}}%
{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer ysep}}
\pgf@xa - \ganttvalueof{group right peak tip position}
* \ganttvalueof{group right peak width} * \ganttvalueof{x unit}
\pgf@y - \ganttvalueof{group right peak height}
* \ganttvalueof{y unit chart}
{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer xsep}}%
{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer ysep}}
{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer xsep}}%
{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer ysep}}
\pgf@xb - \ganttvalueof{group right peak tip position}
* \ganttvalueof{group right peak width} * \ganttvalueof{x unit}
\pgf@yb - \ganttvalueof{group right peak height}
* \ganttvalueof{y unit chart}
\pgf@xb - \ganttvalueof{group right peak width}
* \ganttvalueof{x unit}
\pgf@xa + \ganttvalueof{group left peak width}
* \ganttvalueof{x unit}
\pgf@xa + \ganttvalueof{group left peak tip position}
* \ganttvalueof{group left peak width} * \ganttvalueof{x unit}
\pgf@yb - \ganttvalueof{group left peak height}
* \ganttvalueof{y unit chart}
\inheritanchor[from=diamond]{north west}
\inheritanchor[from=diamond]{south west}
\inheritanchor[from=diamond]{north east}
\inheritanchor[from=diamond]{south east}
\anchor{on top}{
\advance\pgf@x by\ganttvalueof{on top fraction}\pgf@xa
\ganttvalueof{on top fraction} < 0.5
? \ganttvalueof{on top fraction}
: 1 - \ganttvalueof{on top fraction}
\advance\pgf@y by\pgfmathresult\pgf@ya
\anchor{on bottom}{
\advance\pgf@x by\ganttvalueof{on bottom fraction}\pgf@xa
\ganttvalueof{on bottom fraction} < 0.5
? \ganttvalueof{on bottom fraction}
: 1 - \ganttvalueof{on bottom fraction}
\advance\pgf@y by\pgfmathresult\pgf@ya
\anchor{on right}{
\advance\pgf@y by\ganttvalueof{on right fraction}\pgf@ya
\ganttvalueof{on right fraction} < 0.5
? \ganttvalueof{on right fraction}
: 1 - \ganttvalueof{on right fraction}
\advance\pgf@x by\pgfmathresult\pgf@xa
\anchor{on left}{
\advance\pgf@y by\ganttvalueof{on left fraction}\pgf@ya
\ganttvalueof{on left fraction} < 0.5
? \ganttvalueof{on left fraction}
: 1 - \ganttvalueof{on left fraction}
\advance\pgf@x by\pgfmathresult\pgf@xa
\@gtt@stylekeydef{link}{-latex, rounded corners=1pt}
\@gtt@keydef{link type}{auto}
\@gtt@keydef{link label}{}
\@gtt@keydef{link label font}{\scriptsize\itshape}
\@gtt@stylekeydef{link label node}{%
anchor=west, font=\ganttvalueof{link label font}%
\expandafter\def\csname @gtt@linktype@#1\endcsname{#2}%
\expandafter\def\csname @gtt@linktype@#1@label\endcsname{#2}%
\expandafter\def\csname @gtt@linktype@#1\endcsname{%
\csname @gtt@linktype@#2\endcsname%
\expandafter\def\csname @gtt@linktype@#1@label\endcsname{%
\csname @gtt@linktype@#2@label\endcsname%
\@gtt@keydef{link mid}{.5}
\@gtt@keydef{link bulge}{.4}
\@gtt@keydef{link tolerance}{.6}
\draw [/pgfgantt/link]
(\xLeft, \yUpper) --
(\xRight, \yLower)
node [pos=.5, /pgfgantt/link label node] {\ganttlinklabel};
\draw [/pgfgantt/link]
(\xLeft, \yUpper) --
($(\xLeft, \yUpper)!\ganttvalueof{link mid}!
(\xRight, \yUpper)$) --
($(\xLeft, \yLower)!\ganttvalueof{link mid}!
(\xRight, \yLower)$) --
(\xRight, \yLower);%
\draw [/pgfgantt/link]
(\xLeft, \yUpper) --
(\xLeft + \ganttvalueof{link bulge} * \ganttvalueof{x unit},
\yUpper) --
($(\xLeft + \ganttvalueof{link bulge} * \ganttvalueof{x unit},
\ganttvalueof{link mid}!%
(\xLeft + \ganttvalueof{link bulge} * \ganttvalueof{x unit},
\yLower)$) --
($(\xRight - \ganttvalueof{link bulge} * \ganttvalueof{x unit},
\ganttvalueof{link mid}!%
(\xRight - \ganttvalueof{link bulge} * \ganttvalueof{x unit},
\yLower)$) --
(\xRight - \ganttvalueof{link bulge} * \ganttvalueof{x unit},
\yLower) --
(\xRight, \yLower);%
\pgfmathparse{abs(\yUpper - \yLower) <= 1}%
(\xRight - \xLeft)
>= \ganttvalueof{link tolerance} * \ganttvalueof{x unit}
\draw [/pgfgantt/link]
(\xLeft, \yUpper) --
(\xLeft, \yLower)
node [pos=.5, /pgfgantt/link label node] {\ganttlinklabel} --
(\xRight, \yLower);%
\ganttsetstartanchor{south west}%
\ganttsetendanchor{north west}%
\draw [/pgfgantt/link]
(\xLeft, \yUpper) --
(\xRight, \yLower)
node [pos=.5, /pgfgantt/link label node] {\ganttlinklabel};
\ganttsetstartanchor{on bottom=0}%
\ganttsetendanchor{on top=1}%
\draw [/pgfgantt/link]
(\xLeft, \yUpper) --
(\xRight, \yLower)
node [pos=.5, /pgfgantt/link label node] {\ganttlinklabel};
\ganttsetstartanchor{south east}%
\ganttsetendanchor{north west}%
\draw [/pgfgantt/link]
(\xLeft, \yUpper) --
(\xRight, \yLower)
node [pos=.5, /pgfgantt/link label node] {\ganttlinklabel};
\ganttsetstartanchor{south east}%
\ganttsetendanchor{north east}%
\draw [/pgfgantt/link]
(\xLeft, \yUpper) --
(\xRight, \yLower)
node [pos=.5, /pgfgantt/link label node] {\ganttlinklabel};
\@gtt@PackageWarning{Link type `#1' unknown, using `default'.}%
\edef\@gtt@currlabel{\ganttvalueof{link label}}%
\csname @gtt@linktype@\@gtt@currlinktype @label\endcsname%
\ganttvalueof{link label}%
\csname @gtt@linktype@\@gtt@currlinktype\endcsname%
link anchor/.unknown/.code={%
link anchor/#1/.code={%
\ganttset{#1 fraction=##1}%
link anchor/#1/.default=.5%
\@gtt@linkanchordef{on top}
\@gtt@linkanchordef{on bottom}
\@gtt@linkanchordef{on left}
\@gtt@linkanchordef{on right}
\pgfqkeys{/pgfgantt/link anchor}{#1}%
\pgfqkeys{/pgfgantt/link anchor}{#1}%
\gtt@drawlink{\ganttvalueof{link type}}%
%% End of file `pgfgantt.sty'.