Bob Coecke authoredBob Coecke authored
preamble.tex 10.04 KiB
% LaTeX2e Preamble / Ross Duncan 2011
% TODO 27/1/2011
% 1. Something for tikz
% 2. Font alternatives?
% 3. Which journals clash with which bits?
% 4. No support for logic -- proof trees linear logic symbols etc
% 5. Use switches to turn on/off some parts
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% KILL MESS SWITCH %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%1) No mess
%2) Mess:
\newcommand{\TODOb}[1]{\marginpar{\scriptsize\bB \textbf{TODO:} #1\e}}
\newcommand{\oldt}[1]{{\color{blue} #1}}
\newcommand{\newt}[1]{{\color{blue!50!red} #1}}
\newcommand{\azx}{\texttt{\bfseries\color{red!70!black}[do you mean \textbackslash dzxc?]}\xspace}
% typographical improvements
% \usepackage{tgheros}
% \renewcommand*\familydefault{\sfdefault} %% EPSRC wants sans-serif
%\usepackage[stretch=10]{microtype} % more conservative
%\usepackage[expansion=false]{microtype} % still more conservative
% make figs a bit nicer
% do The Right Thing
\newcommand\ie{i.e.\@\xspace} % these two may be broken
% Include graphics in a nice way
%%%% Use these commands to insert graphics into
%%%% the text and have them line up properly.
%%% - inlinegraphic requires absolute size to be given
%%% - ninlinegraphic uses optional scaling factor
%%%% first param is the desired height of the graphic
%%%% if it is less the 1ex, it might not look good
%% todo -- make this thing calculate the height
%% itself based on a global scaling factor
\advance\grafvshift by 0.5ex
%%% optional first arg is scaling factor
\setbox0 = \hbox{\scalebox{#1}{\includegraphics{images/#2}}}
\advance\grafvshift by 0.5ex
%% first arg is optional scaling factor
%% Mathematical packages and theorems
\usepackage{amsmath} % can collide with some journals
%%% not needed if amsmath loaded
% \newcommand{\text}[1]{\ensuremath{\mbox{#1}}}
%%% Defining theorems and friends usually makes problems for journal
%%% styles
% General Mathematics shorthands
% aliases
\newcommand{\vd}{\ensuremath{\vdash}} % = turnstyle
\newcommand{\denote}[1]{% --``semantic'' brakets
\llbracket #1 \rrbracket}
\newcommand{\name}[1]{%--- name / coname
\ulcorner #1 \urcorner}
\llcorner #1 \lrcorner}
\newcommand{\sizeof}[1]{% \sizeof{x} == |x|
% Quantum Notations
\newcommand{\bra}[1]{% dirac 'bra'
\ensuremath{\left\langle #1 \right|}\xspace}
\newcommand{\ket}[1]{% dirac 'ket'
\ensuremath{\left| #1 \right\rangle}\xspace}
\newcommand{\innp}[2]{% dirac style inner product
\ensuremath{\langle #1 \mid #2 \rangle}}
\newcommand{\outp}[2]{% dirac style outer product
\ensuremath{\left|\left. #1 \rangle\right.\langle\left. #2 \right|\right. }}
\newcommand{\norm}[1]{% define command to get spacing right
\ensuremath{\left| #1 \right| }}
% aliases for circuits
\newcommand{\CZ}{\ensuremath{\wedge Z}\xspace}
\newcommand{\CX}{\ensuremath{\wedge X}\xspace}
% Time to define some category theory stuff
%\usepackage{diagrams} % remember to give shout-out to Paul Taylor
% Objects of ???
% Objects of {\cal ??}
\newcommand{\OBJC}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathrm{Obj}_{{\cal #1}}}}
% Arrows of ???
% Arrows of {\cal ??}
\newcommand{\ARRC}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathrm{Arr}_{{\cal #1}}}}
% sub scripted identity morphisms
% Caligraphic category names
\newcommand{\catA}{\ensuremath{{\cal A}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\catB}{\ensuremath{{\cal B}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\catC}{\ensuremath{{\cal C}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\catD}{\ensuremath{{\cal D}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\catE}{\ensuremath{{\cal E}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\catF}{\ensuremath{{\cal F}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\catG}{\ensuremath{{\cal G}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\catH}{\ensuremath{{\cal H}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\catP}{\ensuremath{{\cal P}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\catQ}{\ensuremath{{\cal Q}}\xspace}
% Boldified names of useful categories (and some less useful!)
\newcommand{\vectfd}[1]{% category of f.d. vector spaces over some field
\newcommand{\vectfdc}{% category of f.d. vector spaces over complexes
\newcommand{\catRel}{% the category of sets and relations
\newcommand{\catSet}{% the category of sets and functions
\newcommand{\catCat}{% the category of (small) categories
\newcommand{\catInvCat}{% the category of involutive categories
\newcommand{\catComCl}{% the category of compact closed categories
\newcommand{\catSComCl}{% the category of strongly compact closed categories
\newcommand{\catGrph}{% the category of graphs
\newcommand{\qubit}{% the category of qubits
\newcommand{\fdhilb}{% the category of finite dimensional hilbert space
\newcommand{\catInvCom}{% the category of involutive categories
\newcommand{\catCom}{% the category of compact closed categories
\newcommand{\superop}{% the category of superoperators
%%%%% some game semantics notations
\tikzstyle{every loop}=[]
\newcommand{\liquid}{\texttt{\bfseries\color{red!70!black}[do you mean \textbackslash Qsharp?]}\xspace}
\newcommand{\benREM}[1]{\texttt{\bfseries\color{red!70!black} [{#1}]}\xspace}
%%%% hyperref wants to be last
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "PREPROP"
%%% End: