External User dhorsman authoredExternal User dhorsman authored
rwd-drafting.sty 2.01 KiB
\ProvidesPackage{rwd-drafting}[2014/11/07 Ross Duncan's Drafting Macros]
% Drafting macros
\typeout{WARNING! drafting macros have been suppressed. If no longer needed these should be removed from the file}
% Marginal todo notes
\typeout{WARNING!!! there is still a TODO left}
\marginpar{\textbf{!TODO: }\emph{#1}}
% Marginal DRAFT notes
\typeout{WARNING!!! there are still DRAFT NOTES left}
\marginpar{!DRAFT}\emph{\textbf{DRAFT NOTES:} #1}
% Blue ROUGH text
\typeout{WARNING!!! there are still ROUGH parts left}
{\color{blue} #1}
\typeout{WARNING!!! there are still ROUGH parts left}
% Red REM text
\typeout{WARNING!!! there are still REMarks left}
{\color{red} #1}
% Blue REM text
\typeout{WARNING!!! there are still REMarks left}
{\color{blue} #1}
% TODO list environment
% in text notes (paragraph)
{ \rule[-3mm]{2mm}{10mm}\rule{0mm}{2mm}
\textbf{NOTE!} \it