@@ -799,121 +799,31 @@ We will promote these cross-disciplinary interactions by a number of our planned
\section{IMPACT \REM{(1 pages -- shorter than long proposal)}}
\section{IMPACT \REM{(1 page -- this is shorter than long proposal)}}
\subsection{Expected impacts}
%% maybe turn \subsections into \paragraphs to save space?
\newt{The \dzxc system} significantly advances the state-of-the-art across \newt{six of the seven} expected impacts.% the seventh is out of project scope.
\REM{Be specific, and provide only information that applies to the proposal and its objectives. Wherever possible, use quantified indicators and targets.
Describe how the project will contribute to the expected impacts (see ‘Research Targeted in the Call’ of the Call Announcement).
Describe the importance of the technological outcome with regard to its transformational impact on technology and/or society.}
\KILL{\texttt{\bfseries\color{red!70!black} [Some of these may need shortening a bit, particularly as we add material for the new Expected Impacts.]}}
%DZXC significantly advances the state-of-the-art across \newt{six of the seven} expected impacts.
\paragraph{Develop a deeper fundamental and practical
understanding of systems and protocols for manipulating and
exploiting quantum information ---\!\!}
The DZXC project will \textit{``develop a deeper fundamental understanding''} of systems for quantum information processing by using the \zxcalculus to identify resources that are necessary for a quantum speedup.
It will also further the \textit{``practical understanding''} of quantum information protocols through the development of the \dzxc system, a deep quantum compiler that can take input in a variety of high-level quantum programming languages, automatically add error correction, optimise the process, and output machine instructions adapted for different quantum devices.
The \dzxc system will be able to model noise and error rates of the target platforms and take steps to minimise decoherence, thus \textit{``enhancing the robustness and scalability of quantum information technologies''}.
This project will take practical insights into the workings of diverse quantum technologies, along with fundamental techniques in quantum information processing, and embody them in the \newt{\dzxc system}. By embodying this expertise in \newt{a compiler system}, practitioners can employ push-button optimisations and fault-tolerant transformations of programs \newt{during compilation without needing} a deep understanding of the underlying theoretical techniques, effectively making these techniques available to a broader audience.
As the basis of a retargetable compiler, the \dzxc system will make it easy to support new quantum devices and thereby help to \textit{``identify new opportunities and applications fostered through quantum technologies''}.
By providing open APIs, we will make the \dzxc system available to all academic and industrial users, thus \textit{``transferring these technologies from laboratories to industries''} and \textit{``enlarging the community involved''} in tackling the new challenges of quantum computation.
Developing the \dzxc system will utilise the entire range of knowledge required for building quantum technologies, from experimental and theoretical physics, through to quantum computing theory, and on to formal methods of computer science, which \textit{``enhances interdisciplinarity''} and \textit{``crosses traditional boundaries between disciplines''}.
The \newt{\dzxc system will compile from high-level (algorithmic) to low-level (physical) representations, allowing programmers to write at a high level for any hardware and any quantum error correcting technology.}
For instance, causal and topological structure is a crucial restriction on what can be processed in networked computing, \newt{the \dzxc system will be able to take this into account when compiling.}
The project also includes the ability to interface with current models of quantum computing (the circuit and one-way models), and will enable new hybrid procedures to be developed that include elements of both (as well as potentially new forms of information processing represented in \newt{the annotated \zxcalculus}).
The result of this project will be a step-change in our ability to describe how different quantum technologies store and manipulate quantum information, and to design protocols that use their specific abilities.
\paragraph{Enhance the robustness and scalability of quantum
information technologies in the presence of environmental
decoherence ---\!\!}
\newt{The deep compilation provided by the \dzxc system} will help minimise the resource requirements in quantum technologies, \newt{as well as adapting to the individual requirements of} different hardware platforms.
\newt{The \dzxc system will be able to} model environmental noise and error rates of the target platform, allowing the compiler to make provisions to minimise decoherence as the program runs.
In particular, the annotation layer of \newt{the \zxcalculus} can be used for
fine-grained resource management for lower levels of error correction as well as idealised quantum memories, allowing integration of compilation and protection of coherence.
\newt{The \dzxc system} will enhance the development of error correction that is tailored to specific devices.
Individual noise models and error propagation will be encoded in the \newt{\zxcalculus} through annotations, which can then be used for optimisation of error correction procedures.
Using \newt{the annotated \zxcalculus} as a design tool, specific error correction protocols can be developed for different devices, customised to the different noise models.
These models will be flexible as the devices get larger, ensuring scalability of robust devices.
Networked scalability can be optimised for, as well as different topologies, by encoding timing and spacial constraints in the language.
\newt{With the annotated \zxcalculus as} a common representation, hybrid devices can also be optimised for. Error correction or mitigation strategies can be developed across multiple devices acting in tandem.
Modelling error correction in \newt{the annotated \zxcalculus} will thus enable the design of new error correction procedures, optimisation of existing ones, and give a mutually-intelligible language for error correction theorists and device technologists, \newt{all integrated in the \dzxc system}.
\paragraph{Identify new opportunities and applications fostered
through quantum technologies, and the possible ways to transfer
these technologies from laboratories to industries ---\!\!}
%doing cool stuff with cool stuff
\newt{The purpose of the \dzxc system is to form the basis of a retargetable compiler, making it easy to support new quantum devices.
This will help to make the latest developments in quantum technology available to all academic and industrial users, maximising the return on investment in quantum computing.}
Our consortium includes an industrial partner (\newt{Cambridge Quantum Computing}) to help ensure the industrial relevance of our work.
We also have \newt{experimentalists} on the advisory panel.
With \newt{the \dzxc system}, high-level quantum languages and protocols can be designed without needing to know the underlying hardware.
This will streamline the production of quantum software, opening it up to individuals and companies with limited prior knowledge of quantum computing.
Quantum hardware will also be more accessible, both in academia and industry. Individual developers will not need to know the entire architecture, as different elements can be \newt{adapted to automatically during compilation}.
This will accelerate the widespread commercial and academic development and exploitation of quantum technology.
% and programming languages
% will become more easily transferred
% accelerating the widespread exploitation of
% quantum technology.
% to different hardware platforms,
% and accessible to both academia and industry.
\paragraph{Enhance interdisciplinarity in crossing traditional
boundaries between disciplines in order to enlarge the community
involved in tackling these new challenges ---\!\!}
%The inherently interdisciplinary nature of this project will bring a larger community to bear solving problems during the lifetime of the project. The development of the \azx language and compiler stacks themselves will also open up further challenges as the project progresses (and beyond) that are accessible to broader communities.
\newt{The \dzxc system} will connect the entire range of knowledge involved in building quantum technologies, from experimental and theoretical Physics, through to quantum computing theory, and on to formal methods of Computer Science.
All of these are needed to develop the deep compilation system, \newt{so developing the \dzxc system} is a fundamentally interdisciplinary task.
\newt{By aiding the development of intuitively accessible programming languages, the \dzxc system will also make quantum technologies accessible to a broader range of users and developers.
For example, algorithm and protocol designers will not need to interface directly with quantum technologies in order to test the effectiveness of their work, lowering the bar for development in the field.
End-users outside of quantum physics and computer science will also be able to build protocols for use in their own field that do not require them to understand the physical action of the hardware.}
The \dzxc system will not be a closed system: our commitment to open
APIs (See \ref{task:trans1} and \ref{task:backendapi}) and our open
test suite (~\ref{task:testBench}) will enable users from outside the
project to integrate new tools and techniques with \dzxc and engage
the wider community.
The advent of quantum computation, and the diverse set of skills needed to bring an idea from algorithm to implementation, has shown the limitations of traditional subject boundaries. The breadth of expertise of this consortium, and its thematic focus on developing a common language and methodology from quantum technologies will help overcome these limitations within the project and in the wider community.
\paragraph{Spread excellence throughout Europe by involving partners from the widening countries ---\!\!}
\newt{The ICTQT is a newly founded research institute in the strongly emergent Poland. The university of Gdansk, host of the institute, has a long prominent track record on quantum information theory, with the core of entanglement theory itself having been developed there. Sainz's newly founded Foundational Underpinnings of Quantum Technologies group, strives at contributing to and complementing the existing team in Gdansk, by bringing in the new scope of process theories to tackle foundational and applied questions about quantum theory. Her own team, funded by ICTQT, will initially consists of a postdoctoral research fellow and a PhD student (both TBA).
Oxford site head Coecke was involved in establishing Sainz's new team at Gdansk's new ICTQT institute, as a member of the institutes' International Scientific Committee. With this project we involve this new institute, and Sainz's team in particular, within an established research community. The particular scope of this research proposal perfectly aligns with part of the mission statement of Sainz's team, which comprises the study of process theories, since ZX-calculus is the ``Swiss army knife" of process theories, bringing them in direct contact with quantum technology. More generally, the experienced project partners will adopt a mentoring role towards this newly formed ICTQT group.
%\newt{The ICTQT is a newly founded research institute in the strongly emergent Poland. The university of Gdansk, host of the institute, has a long prominent track record on quantum information theory, with the core of entanglement theory itself having been developed there. Sainz's newly founded Foundational Underpinnings of Quantum Technologies group, strives at contributing to and complementing the existing team in Gdansk, by bringing in the new scope of process theories to tackle foundational and applied questions about quantum theory. Oxford site head Coecke was involved in establishing Sainz's new team at Gdansk's new ICTQT institute, as a member of the institutes' International Scientific Committee. With this project we involve this new institute, and Sainz's team in particular, within an established research community. The particular scope of this research proposal perfectly aligns with part of the mission statement of Sainz's team, which comprises the study of process theories, since ZX-calculus is the Swiss army knife of process theories, bringing process theory in direct contact with quantum technology. More generally, the experienced project partners will adopt a mentoring role towards this newly formed ICTQT group.}
\paragraph{Build leading innovation capacity across Europe by involvement of key actors that can make a difference in the future, for example excellent young researchers, ambitious high-tech SMEs or first-time participants ---\!\!}
\newt{The consortium team is well-balanced between young and
established researchers. We are building innovation capacity by
involving many excellent early-career researchers as well as several
research groups that have been founded in the past few years, namely
those of Horsman, Kissinger, Valiron, and Sainz (the latter shortly
to be established at the proposal writing phase; see previous
paragraph). The team also includes senior researchers on the brink
of %of
group development (Backens, de Beaudrap, Wang). With team
members like Coecke who had over 30 grants including several large
networks, know-how on project design at the drafting stage to
execution will carry over to the more junior partners, as Coecke
will adopt a mentoring role throughout the project. Our industrial
partner, CQC, is an ambitious high-tech SME, who are currently leading
the sector in high performance compilation of quantum software. The
CQC team leader, Duncan, is an experienced researcher who brings
expertise in technology transfer from academia to industry. The
junior team members at CQC will benefit from exposure to the latest
research, while the younger academics will benefit from interaction
with industry.}
With our newly-founded member group at the University of Gdansk, we have a \textit{``partner from the widening countries''}.
The project also involves several other research groups that have been founded in the past few years, thus \textit{``building leading innovation capacity''}.
Additionally, the team includes as co-investigators multiple \textit{``excellent young researchers''} on the brink of group development.
Our industrial partner, CQC, is an \textit{``ambitious high-tech SME''} with a team leader who has expertise in technology transfer from academia to industry.
\subsection{Dissemination, exploitation of results, communication}