@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Describe the specific objectives of the project, which should be clear, measurab
Optimisation, in particular around error correction overheads, will be vital for running post-classical protocols on near-term hardware. Classically, this is an element of an integrated compiler.
As quantum technologies will continue to be scarce and valuable, identifying truly quantum resources, currently limited to magic states, will be a vital tool for optimising resource use, demonstrating speed-up, and benchmarking quantum devices and protocols.
To build the deep compiler combining all these elements we will use the \newt{graphical}\zxcalculus~\cite{BH-2017,HFW,JPV-2018,DKPdW-2019}. %the opportunity exists to develop a more ambitious version of the LLVM concept for quantum computing.
To build the deep compiler combining all these elements we will use the graphical \zxcalculus~\cite{BH-2017,HFW,JPV-2018,DKPdW-2019}. %the opportunity exists to develop a more ambitious version of the LLVM concept for quantum computing.
%, bringing forward the day that quantum computers can be exploited for practical application.
This already outperforms all other formal methods for certain problems. For example, the {\tt PyZX} tool for quantum circuit optimisation is already obtaining state of the art results in T-count minimisation (cf.~theory in \cite{DKPdW-2019}), an important problem for effective fault-tolerant quantum computation. This is a further development on the recently achieved ultimate milestone for graphical reasoning: all equations that hold in standard quantum theory can be derived in \zxcalculus (a.k.a.~`completeness') \cite{Jeandel2017A-Complete-Axio, HFW}.
A deep-\zx compiler will significantly advance the deployment of practical quantum computing.
@@ -804,6 +804,7 @@ This will make possible a reduction in the resources used in any particular hard
\subsection{Interdisciplinary nature}
\TODOb{For some reason physics is missing: CQM/ZX emerged from compositional physical considerations.}
As shown the schema at the beginning of \S\ref{sec:summary:-},
the ambitious vertical structure of this project requires a uniquely
diverse range of expertise: from \textbf{Software Engineering \& Formal Methods} at the high level, through \textbf{Quantum Computation} and logic at the mid-level, down to quantum \textbf{Systems Architecture} at the low-level.
@@ -1777,7 +1778,7 @@ often and deliver new features more than once a year.
%project and explain why this is consistent with and will help to
%achieve the specific measures which are proposed for exploitation of
%the results of the project.
\newt{The members of the consortium are chosen to provide the best
combination of skills to deliver this project, including the fathers of \zxcalculus, those who established it as a universal and complete calculus, those who have developed applications of \zxcalculus to quantum technologies, and those who have outperformed all other methods using \zxcalculus.