\emph{Physical Review A} (PRA), the \emph{New Journal of Physics} (NJP), and
\emph{Communications in Mathematical Physics} (CMP),
\item\newt{The diamond open access journal \emph{Quantum}.}
\item\newt{Our own recently
\item{The diamond open access journal \emph{Quantum}.}
\item{Our own recently
established diamond open access journal \emph{Compositionality}.}
The consortium members have a strong record of publishing in all of these
leading venues. %Other venues will targeted opportunistically in order to achieve the most timely publication of our results.
\newt{However, as strong supporters of (diamond) open access publishing, we feel strongly about publishing in the latter two, as well as the other open access journals.}
As strong supporters of (diamond) open access principles, we will prioritise publishing in the latter two. %, as well as the other open access journals.}
We plan three annual workshops, which will
be open to any interested parties. The final workshop will include a
@@ -915,57 +914,34 @@ participation.
We propose several direct and indirect routes to exploitation of our
results. Firstly, our consortium includes an industrial partner, CQC,
and \newt{a key member} of the NQIT project (de Beaudrap).
the Grenoble Quantum Engineering project chaire d'excellence (Horsman, consortium lead)
and {a key member} of the NQIT project (de Beaudrap).
Though CQC our research will be integrated with the leading quantum
software compiler system, \tket. Since \tket already incorporates
ideas from the \zxcalculus this offers a direct and natural route to
some \zxcalculus this offers a direct and natural route to
exploitation. Further, since \tket already supports several existing
software frameworks, and several hardware platforms, this promotes the
widest possible uptake of the project's results by end users, for no
additional work by the project members. To ensure a strong
relationship between CQC and the academic partners, the Oxford-based
post-doc will spend approximately 25\% of their time on site at the
CQC offices in Cambridge.
\newt{With NQIT, we will provide a programming framework for the networked quantum computer developed as part of that project (and the quantum computing project which follows afterwards in Phase~II of the UK Quantum Technologies Programme), seek to collaborate with their architectures team, and present the project results at the UK Quantum Technologies annual showcase.
In both cases, our work can be exploited
directly by end-users.}%% copied from Niel's document so I assume this is up-to-date
\TODOb{This para to be cut.}
\bR In addition, we have also recruited a board of advisers (see below)
including the European leaders in scalable quantum devices. These
experts will participate in our annual workshops to help define
requirements and ensure that our work can be used by their projects.
The DiCarlo group (Delft) and Rigetti have shown particular interest
in exploiting our work to assist with supporting the superconducting
quantum devices they are developing. \e
\newt{Finally, we commit to produce public APIs (see
relationship with CQC, the Oxford-based
post-doc will spend approximately 25\% of their time at the
CQC Cambridge offices.
With NQIT, we will provide a programming framework for the networked quantum computer developed as part of that project (and the quantum computing project which follows afterwards in Phase~II of the UK Quantum Technologies Programme), seek to collaborate with their architectures team, and present the project results at the UK Quantum Technologies annual showcase.
%In both cases, our work can be exploited
%directly by end-users. %% copied from Niel's document so I assume this is up-to-date
{We commit to produce public APIs (see
\ref{del:frontendapi} and \ref{del:backendapi})
for the \dzxc system which will allow any programming language to
which will allow any programming language to
generate code using our system, and make it easy to add support for
future hardware targets. This will enable other projects to
integrate \dzxc into their system. To further advance this aim, the
integrate \dzxc into their system. Further, the
software tools developed by our project will be released on an
open-source basis with a permissive license (See
\S~\ref{sec:cons-agre}.) }
%To communicate of our work to a wider audience, and to take advantage
%of wide public interest in quantum technology, we will perform a
%variety of outreach activities. Firstly, we will adopt ``open
%lab-book'' research, publishing work-in-progress on a project wiki,
%and articles aimed at a general audience on a project
%blog.\footnote{The success of \emph{Graphical linear algebra}
% (\href{http://graphicallinearalgebra.net}{\color{blue} graphicallinearalgebra.net}, 217K visitors since 2015) demonstrates there is a clear audience for such works.}
%%To allow end-users to experiment with \azx, Bull will
%%provide an HPC simulator with a publicly accessible front end, which
%%will also be incorporated into the project website.
Beyond online self-publishing we will also pitch articles to magazines
aimed at a general audience in several languages. We will