@@ -1994,7 +1994,7 @@ diagrammatics. NJP 13 (043016), 2011. (3) --- and A.~Kissinger. Picturing Quantu
(2) ---. Finding flows in the one-way measurement model. PRA~77 (022328), 2008.
\textbf{Dr.\ Quanlong Wang} is on an IAA Secondment at Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd., working on ZX-calculus. Before doing a 2nd PhD at Oxford he was a Lecturer in Mathematics at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He was the 1st to prove universal completeness of universal \zxcalculus. He also established a simple complete set of rules for 2-qubit circuits, which later were proved to be universally complete.
\textbf{Dr.\ Quanlong Wang} is on an IAA Secondment at Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd., working on \zxcalculus. Before doing a 2nd PhD at Oxford he was a Lecturer in Mathematics at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He was the 1st to prove universal completeness of universal \zxcalculus. He also established a simple complete set of rules for 2-qubit circuits, which later were proved to be universally complete.
(1) A. Hadzihasanovic, K. F Ng and ---.
Two complete axiomatisations of pure-state qubit quantum computing. LiCS 2018.
@@ -2252,7 +2252,7 @@ consortium members during the project.
\item\textbf{Oxford}: we have a very strong
\item\textbf{Oxford}: We have a very strong
connection to the NQIT project, the United Kingdom's largest quantum
hardware technology project. de Beaudrap has been leading NQIT's software component, and more specific on the the
``Quantum/classical interface and emulation'' workpackage, and is responsible for guiding the development of a compiler for the NQIT architecture. This gives the \dzxc\ project unique access to the state-of-the-art expertise and information regarding the NQIT, and will help to ensure that the activities of the \dzxc project are directed at goals which are of direct practical relevance to practical quantum computational platforms.
@@ -2260,9 +2260,9 @@ consortium members during the project.
% interested in co-operating in the development of \azx\ as a
% practical optimising compiler technology that will fits very
% tightly with the planned approach to error-corrected memories}
\item\newt{\textbf{Oxford}: We had a business collaboration and currently have an Impact Acceleration Account with CQC, entitled ``Compilation and cost-reduction of quantum computations via ZX-calculus", which already has resulted in the proof-of-concept underpinnings of this project.\footnote{\url{https://www.mpls.ox.ac.uk/internal-research-funding/impact-and-innovation/iaa-projects}}}
\item\textbf{Radboud}: Kissinger holds an Airforce Office of Scientific
Research (AFOSR) grant on graphical calculus and quantum circuit optimisation,
\item\newt{\textbf{Oxford}: We had a business collaboration and currently have an EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account with CQC, entitled ``Compilation and cost-reduction of quantum computations via ZX-calculus", which already has resulted in the proof-of-concept underpinnings of this project.\footnote{\url{https://www.mpls.ox.ac.uk/internal-research-funding/impact-and-innovation/iaa-projects}}}
\item\textbf{Radboud}: Kissinger holds a US Airforce Office of Scientific
Research (AFOSR) grant on graphical calculus and quantum circuit optimisation, using \zxcalculus,
providing him with the resources to contribute to this project.
\item\textbf{Radboud}: \newt{Kissinger holds a micro-grant from the Unitary Fund,\footnote{\url{http://unitary.fund}} which funds open source software in quantum technology, to extend {\tt PyZX} functionality with circuit routing techniques for near-term quantum hardware.}
\item\textbf{Loria}: Loria is currently working on the PIA-GDN
@@ -2271,7 +2271,7 @@ providing him with the resources to contribute to this project.
The team at Loria is also involved in the SoftQPro ANR, which deals with the
development of a new HLL related to quantum computing with a HPC
backend. \zxcalculus plays a lesser role in SoftQpro compared to this project.
\item In April 2019 \textbf{CQC} will begin a new project with the UK National
\item\textbf{CQC}: In April 2019 CQC will begin a new project with the UK National
Physical Laboratory, under the Innovate UK Analysis for Innovators
scheme, which is dedicated to the modelling and analysis of noise in
quantum simulations. Further, there is a funded follow-on project