\item[{\bf Univ.~Oxford:}] Prof.\ Bob Coecke, Dr Miriam Backens, Dr Niel de Beaudrap, Dr Quanlong Wang.
\item[{\bf Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd.:}] Dr Ross Duncan, Mr Will Simmons.
\item[{\bf Univ.~Gdansk / ICTQT:}] Dr Ana Bel\'en Sainz.
\item[{\bf Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen:}] Dr Aleks Kissinger, Kang Feng Ng.
\item[{\bf Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen:}] Dr Aleks Kissinger, (Dr) Kang Feng Ng.
These members include the pioneers of \zxcalculus\cite{Coecke:2009aa}, those who proved its completeness \cite{1367-2630-16-9-093021,Jeandel2017A-Complete-Axio,HFW}, as well as those that proposed the exploitation of \zxcalculus in quantum technologies \cite{Duncan:2010aa, Horsman:2011lr, Chancellor2016Coherent-Parity, BH-2017, DKPdW-2019} (incl.~translations between different computational models, error-correction/lattice surgery, circuit optimisation). Hence, the consortium includes all leading researchers on \zxcalculus. CQC is moreover the world-leading quantum computing company on compiler design. Duncan and Kissinger pioneered {\bf automation} of diagrammatic reasoning (cf.~{\tt quantomatic} and {\tt PyZX}), which helped in setting the state-of-the-art in circuit optimization \cite{DKPdW-2019}. We also include pioneers in quantum
programming languages (Valiron), important contributors to MBQC \cite{Duncan:2010aa} and
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ Consequently, members have a long history of collaboration. Coecke is a member
\newpage%\TODOb{This needs to be done urgently}
%\newpage%\TODOb{This needs to be done urgently}
\subsection{Financial plan}
@@ -1171,18 +1171,7 @@ Consequently, members have a long history of collaboration. Coecke is a member
other. Justify them here. Both the justification and the information
in the system will be communicated to the Evaluation Panel.}
This is a large and multifaceted project, which will require
significant work to deliver. A full-time post doc at each contributing academic
site is needed, under supervision of the site lead. In addition, At
all the academic sites there is a large amount of time donated to the
project by senior scientists with relevant expertise. At CQC, our
industrial partner, a Senior Scientist and a Research Software Developer will contribute to the project.
\item\emph{Post-doctoral researchers}: We request 30 months of salary
We request 30 months of salary
for post-docs at Oxford, 36+18 months at Gdansk, and 18 months at each of Grenoble and LORIA. The Oxford post-doc will also engage in co-operation with industrial partners at CQC. The post-docs
will be hired as soon as possible by the site leads at each site.
%\item \emph{Coordinator}: We request 10\% contribution the
@@ -1190,49 +1179,35 @@ industrial partner, a Senior Scientist and a Research Software Developer will co
% the project. This is reduced from 20\% upon negotiation with
% Stratclyde. (Duncan will contribute an additional 8.4 months of
% time as a researcher, see below.)
\item\emph{Principle investigators and other named staff}: Spread
across the sites, more than 110 person-months of time
will be contributed by the named staff on the project, all of which
is supported by other sources. This means that almost 40\% of the
research effort of the project is funded from elsewhere.
\item\emph{PhD Students}: at LORIA, Titouan Carette will contribute
At LORIA, Titouan Carette will contribute
approx 9 months to the project; this is funded from other sources.
At Grenoble, Richard East will contribute
approx 9 months to the project; this is funded from other sources.
At Gdansk, a PhD student will contribute
approx 12 months to the project; this is funded from other sources. \newt{At Oxford, at least two PhD students will contribute to the project, as well as several MSc students}.
\item\emph{Engineers}: At CQC, a Senior Scientist and a Research Software Developer will contribute, funded from other sources.
approx 12 months to the project; this is funded from other sources. At Oxford, at least two PhD students will contribute to the project, as well as several MSc students.
At CQC, a Senior Scientist and a Research Software Developer will contribute, funded from elsewhere.
Project workshops serve a key role in intra-project communication,
dissemination, and outreach. We plan one workshop each year, in
Oxford, Nijmegen, and Grenoble. We plan to invite significant figures from the experimental and software industrial communities to supplement the project reach and expertise, which increases the cost beyond
the usual expenses of venue hire and speakers' expenses. We have
We plan one workshop each year, in
Oxford, Nijmegen, and Grenoble. We plan to invite significant figures from the experimental and software industrial communities to supplement the project reach and expertise. We have
\euro 15k for each, through the co-ordinating site budget.
\paragraph{Travel and subsistence}
Since many of the personnel have expertise relevant to more than one
work package, we request substantial budget for travel, for quantERA
We request substantial budget for travel, for quantERA
reporting meetings, for formal project meetings, smaller more frequent
WP meetings, and also to present our work at conferences.
\item We request laptop computers for each of the postdocs, and
replacement laptops for some staff. These are necessary
because of the frequent need to travel and work at another site
and/or present work at conferences or workshops.
\section{ETHICAL ISSUES \REM{1/2 page}}
We request laptop computers for each of the postdocs, and
replacement laptops for some staff.
\newpage\section{ETHICAL ISSUES \REM{1/2 page}}
\REM{Describe any foreseeable ethical issue that may arise during the