@@ -1834,12 +1834,12 @@ brings expertise in devices large scale fabrication and characterization (DCOS d
% (incl. widely-used datasets or software), or other achievements
% relevant to the call content. }
\textbf{Simon Perdrix} is researcher at CNRS having previously held positions at LIG (Grenoble) as a charge de recherche, and at OUCS (Oxford), LFCS (Edinburgh) and PPS (Paris) as Postdoc. He is an expert of \zx-calculus introducing several new axioms to the language (1,2,3). He is also an expert of measurement-based quantum computing, introducing in particular a graphical characterisation of determinism in the model (4,5). He leads the Quantum Computation French network (GT IQ at CNRS GdR IM) and is board of the CNRS Quantum Technology network (GdR IQFA). %He has been PI of several projects (PEPS, Region Lorraine), and led work-packages in ANR and EU STREP projects. In 2016, he has been elected scientific secretary of section 6 at CoNRS. Section 6 is in charge, among other expertise duties, of hiring, promoting, and evaluating CNRS researchers in computer science.
\textbf{Dr Simon Perdrix} is researcher at CNRS having previously held positions at LIG (Grenoble) as a charge de recherche, and at OUCS (Oxford), LFCS (Edinburgh) and PPS (Paris) as Postdoc. He is an expert of \zx-calculus introducing several new axioms to the language (1,2,3). He is also an expert of measurement-based quantum computing, introducing in particular a graphical characterisation of determinism in the model (4,5). He leads the Quantum Computation French network (GT IQ at CNRS GdR IM) and is board of the CNRS Quantum Technology network (GdR IQFA). %He has been PI of several projects (PEPS, Region Lorraine), and led work-packages in ANR and EU STREP projects. In 2016, he has been elected scientific secretary of section 6 at CoNRS. Section 6 is in charge, among other expertise duties, of hiring, promoting, and evaluating CNRS researchers in computer science.
\textit{\color{gray}\textbf{Publications:} (1) R. Duncan and ---. Graph states and the necessity of Euler decomposition. In CiE 2009, Springer LNCS 5635. (2) --- and Q. Wang. Supplementarity is Necessary for Quantum Diagram Reasoning. In MFCS 2016. LIPIcs, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2016. (3) R. Duncan and ---. Rewriting measurement-based quantum computations with generalised flow. In ICALP 2010, Springer LNCS 6199. (4) D. E. Browne, E. Kashefi, M. Mhalla, and ---. Generalized flow and determinism in measurement-based quantum computation. New J. Phys, 9(250), 2007. (5) M. Mhalla and ---. Finding optimal flows efficiently. In Automata, Languages and Programming, In ICALP 2008, Springer LNCS 5125.}
\textbf{Emmanuel Jeandel} is Professor at Universit\'e de
\textbf{Prof.~Emmanuel Jeandel} is Professor at Universit\'e de
Lorraine, leader of the Inria project team Mocqua. He did a PhD in
quantum computing, he is also an expert in dynamical systems (tiling, cellular automata). He contributed to the development of the \zx-calculus (2) %(cyclotomic supplementarity)
and, together with Simon Perdrix and Renaud Vilmart, also at LORIA, they recently proved the completeness of the \zx-calculus for a universal Clifford+T fragment of quantum mechanics (3).
@@ -1850,10 +1850,10 @@ brings expertise in devices large scale fabrication and characterization (DCOS d
% \textbf{Beno\^it Valiron} (Assistant Prof. CentraleSup\'elec) obtained his Ph.D. In Mathematics at the University of Ottawa (Canada) in 2008. He is currently assistant professor at CentraleSup\'elec and researcher at LRI (laboratoire de recherche en informatique), Orsay. His research topics on interests include quantum computation, semantics of programming languages and models of computations. %He authored 8 journal articles, 1 book chapter and 11 international workshop and conference papers. He is currently co-supervising 1 Ph.D. Student.
Valiron} (Assistant Prof. CentraleSup\'elec) from LRI (UMR 8623)
\textbf{Dr Beno\^it
Valiron} (Assistant Prof.\CentraleSup\'elec) from LRI (UMR 8623)
is also included within the LORIA site.
He obtained his Ph.D. In Mathematics at the University of Ottawa (Canada) in 2008. He is currently assistant professor at CentraleSup\'elec and researcher at LRI (laboratoire de recherche en informatique), Orsay. His research topics on interests include quantum computation, semantics of programming languages and models of computations, he is in particular co-inventor of the Quipper language. %He authored 8 journal articles, 1 book chapter and 11 international workshop and conference papers. He is currently co-supervising 1 Ph.D. Student.
He obtained his Ph.D.\ in Mathematics at the University of Ottawa (Canada) in 2008. He is currently assistant professor at CentraleSup\'elec and researcher at LRI (laboratoire de recherche en informatique), Orsay. His research topics on interests include quantum computation, semantics of programming languages and models of computations, he is in particular co-inventor of the Quipper language. %He authored 8 journal articles, 1 book chapter and 11 international workshop and conference papers. He is currently co-supervising 1 Ph.D. Student.
\textit{\color{gray}\textbf{Publications:} (1) A. S. Green, P. L. Lumsdaine, N. J. Ross, P. Selinger, and ---. Quipper: A scalable quantum programming language. PLDI 2013.
(2) A. Scherer, ---, S.-C. Mau, Scott Alexander, E. van den Berg and T. E. Chapuran. Concrete resource analysis of the quantum linear-system algorithm used to compute the electromagnetic scattering cross section of a 2D target. Quantum Information Processing 2017
(3) ---, N. J. Ross, P. Selinger, D. S. Alexander and Jonathan M. Smith. Programming the Quantum Future. Communications of the ACM, 2015.
@@ -1907,12 +1907,12 @@ brings expertise in devices large scale fabrication and characterization (DCOS d
\textit{\color{gray}\textbf{Publications:} (1) S.~Abramsky and ---. A categorical semantics of quantum protocols. In LICS 2004. (2) --- and R.~Duncan. Interacting quantum observables: Categorical algebra and
diagrammatics. NJP 13 (043016), 2011. (3) --- and A.~Kissinger. Picturing Quantum Processes: A First Course in Quantum Theory and Diagrammatic Reasoning. CUP, 2017. }
\textbf{Dr.\Miriam Backens} is a Career Development Fellow at Balliol College, Oxford. They proved completeness of the stabiliser \zxcalculus (1) and of the single-qubit Clifford+T fragment (2), and co-developed the related ZH-calculus as well as proving its completeness (3). \textit{\color{gray}\textbf{Publications:}
\textbf{Dr Miriam Backens} is a Career Development Fellow at Balliol College, Oxford. They proved completeness of the stabiliser \zxcalculus (1) and of the single-qubit Clifford+T fragment (2), and co-developed the related ZH-calculus as well as proving its completeness (3). \textit{\color{gray}\textbf{Publications:}
(1) ---. The ZX-calculus is complete for stabilizer quantum mechanics. NJP 16, 2014. arXiv:1307.7025.
(2) ---. The ZX-calculus is complete for the single-qubit Clifford+T group. EPTCS 172. arXiv:1412.8553.
(3) --- and A.~Kissinger. ZH: A Complete Graphical Calculus for Quantum Computations Involving Classical Non- linearity. QPL 2018. arXiv: 1805.02175.}
\textbf{Dr.\Niel de Beaudrap} is a post-doctoral researcher in the NQIT project, in which he is Principal Investigator of a Partnership Project on resource-usage in networked quantum architectures and a User Project on emulating quantum computations.
\textbf{Dr Niel de Beaudrap} is a post-doctoral researcher in the NQIT project, in which he is Principal Investigator of a Partnership Project on resource-usage in networked quantum architectures and a User Project on emulating quantum computations.
He is a Co-Investigator with Prof.\ Coecke on a project with CQC to optimise quantum circuits using the \zxcalculus, co-developed the connection between \zxcalculus and lattice surgery~(1), and developed the first efficient algorithms to recover annotation systems to re-write MBQC procedures to the unitary circuit model~(2).
@@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ diagrammatics. NJP 13 (043016), 2011. (3) --- and A.~Kissinger. Picturing Quantu
(2) ---. Finding flows in the one-way measurement model. PRA~77 (022328), 2008.
\textbf{Dr.\Quanlong Wang} is on an IAA Secondment at Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd., working on \zxcalculus. Before doing a 2nd PhD at Oxford he was a Lecturer in Mathematics at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He was the 1st to prove universal completeness of universal \zxcalculus. He also established a simple complete set of rules for 2-qubit circuits, which later were proved to be universally complete.
\textbf{Dr Quanlong Wang} is on an IAA Secondment at Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd., working on \zxcalculus. Before doing a 2nd PhD at Oxford he was a Lecturer in Mathematics at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He was the 1st to prove universal completeness of universal \zxcalculus. He also established a simple complete set of rules for 2-qubit circuits, which later were proved to be universally complete.
(1) A. Hadzihasanovic, K. F Ng and ---.
Two complete axiomatisations of pure-state qubit quantum computing. LiCS 2018.