Final CX318 project app/website aswell as mircontrollorer firmware. A live version of the website can be viewed from the link above and the Android app can be accessed by downloading 'CX318-Group41-App.apk', Android will prompt that the file is unknown and possibly unsafe so be sure to allow the download. The app was fully tested and working on Samsung S10, with Android version 11.
Please note live count data will not be available past 10/05/2021 but admin graph charting can be viewed for dates 06th-09th May for account admin1. All admin accounts can be accessed with the password "123456". Admin usernames are "admin" followed by their system id e.g. "admin1","admin2"
A full list of sprints for the website/app is listed below:
Sprint 1
- [X] Signup functionality
- [X] Error handling
- [X] Missing inputs
- [X] Passwords don't match
- [X] Inncorrect email/already used email
- [X] Server error
- [X] Login functionality
- [X] Error handling
- [X] Missing inputs
- [X] Inncorrect inputs (no email or wrong password)
- [X] Server error
- [X] Password Hashing
- [X] Correct redirect after login
- [x] Placeholder main page
- [x] Basic Styling
- [X] Basic live count
- [X] Dubmy data
- [X] 1 store
- [X] Place holder admin page
- [X] Formatted code and commented appropiately
Sprint 2
- [X] Inital AJAX/API implementation
- [X]count_script
- [X] user_script
- [X] Basic graphical data implementation
- [X] Multiple stores
- [X] Basic search/drop down for store finder
- [X] Better styling & responsivness
Sprint 3
- [X] Cordova Native App
- [X] Reviews
- [X] Adding reviews
- [X] Display reviews
- [X] Basic Map prototype
Current Issues/Possible Features
- [X] Changing date comparison to Refinded Count
- [X] Adding maximum label to admin chart
- [X] Implementing new API admin functions, changing max cap etc
- [X] Progress bar colour