################# OMP Plus #################
A problem often faced by teachers is a gauging what concepts have been understood by their students. One way to solve this problem is to utilise the minute paper. This project focuses on analysing submitted papers to aid lecturers.
To access the application use the following link: https://devweb2018.cis.strath.ac.uk/~ywb16155/omp-plus/#/login
Lecturer logins: (lecturer1,password1) , (lecturer2,password1)
student logins: (student135,password1) , (student136, password1)
All logins contain mock data and may be used by multiple people. Logins exist from lecturer1 - lecturer10. And from student1 - student140.
If you wish to install the application locally please refer to the relevant instructions below.
################## Local Installation ################## To install the application the author of the program recommends using IntelliJ. The remainder of this guide will follow the installation steps as if one were using IntelliJ.
- Firstly import the project from either Version control (https://gitlab.cis.strath.ac.uk/ywb16155/omp-plus) or by importing the project from existing resources.
- When importing the project, you will be asked to add framework support. The project requires that you add the Maven framework support.
- Continue importing the project.
- Once the project has been imported with the Maven framework added. All Maven modules will begin to download. NOTICE : These downloads may take a few minutes as one of the maven modules exceeds 300Mb.
- Once the Maven modules have been installed the application requires 2 files to be modified before the application is able to run locally. ** NOTICE ** : To install the application fully access to a MySQL database is required.
- The first file that must be modified is the application.properties file. a. Open the application.properties file located in the resoucres folder of the ompp-api module. b. Adjust the following properties: spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql:// spring.datasource.username= spring.datasource.password= c. Delete or comment the following properties: server.tomcat.additional-tld-skip-patterns=*.jar server.context-path=/ywb16155-root/ompp-api server.port=8443
- Run the mySQL creation scripts provided in the ompp-api modules in the database you have linked to the application in the properties above.
- Run the mySQL population scripts provided in the ompp-api modules in the database you have linked to the application in the properties above. a. The population scripts MUST be executed in the following order: omp_plus_class_population -> omp_plus_lecturer_population -> omp_plus_student_population -> omp_plus_omp_population -> omp_plus_answer_population.
- Next navigate to the configurations package in the ompp-api module.
- Open the ConnectorConfig class and comment or remove the contents of the class. NOTICE : Do not delete the class, only remove its contents.
- In either the computer's terminal or the Intellij terminal navigate to the ompp-web directory.
- Once inside the ompp-web directory enter the command: npm install. NOTICE : The download of npm modules may take some time.
- Once the npm modules are install the application is ready to run.
################## Running the Application ################## To run the application locally follow the above installation steps. Once completed do the following:
- Build and run the ompp-api omdule by navigating to the OmppappApplication class and running the main method contained within it.
- In either the computer's terminal or the Intellij terminal navigate to the ompp-web directory.
- Enter the following command into the terminal: npm start
- Once the project has finihsed building open a browser and navigate to localhost:4200
- You should be greeted by the OMP+ login page.