\section*{Summary of the project\REM{Same as long proposal}}
%currently 2510 characters
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Solving this problem requires a ``deep" quantum compiler -- one which can transf
%The goal of this project is to develop the flexible intermediate for compilation and optimisation, which is necessary for the immediate-term practical implementation of post-classical protocols on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. %how many buzzwords can we get in this sentence
\section*{Relevance to the topic addressed in the call}
\section*{Relevance to the topic addressed in the call\REM{Same as long proposal}}
%currently 1274 characters
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Development of novel quantum algorithms; demonstration of quantum speed-up; new
\section{EXCELLENCE \REM{(6 pages)}}
\section{EXCELLENCE \REM{(6 pages, same as long proposal)}}
\subsection{Targeted breakthrough, baseline of knowledge and skills}
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ We will promote these cross-disciplinary interactions by a number of our planned
\section{IMPACT \REM{(3 pages)}}
\section{IMPACT \REM{(1 pages -- shorter than long proposal)}}
\subsection{Expected impacts}
@@ -1046,10 +1046,10 @@ Letters of support from are attached at the end of
this document.
\section{IMPLEMENTATION\REM{(2 pages total -- shorter than long proposal)}}